"It is our mind,
and that alone,
that chains us
sets us free."
- Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
AN Excerpt from today's DL from Coach Ilg:
...one of the many long stretches above timberline - and snowline - that i could not possibly ride and had to walk, and walk, and walk. right here, in this shot, is how much i love you. i have pushed myself hard, really hard, all these years and across all these crazy sports in order be One Thing:
A Genuine Teacher Of Yoga...
i push myself across the physiologic spectrum so that i know - by direct experience - my personal edge in internal and external, East and West, Yin and Yang polarities. my Teachers will not allow me to teach that which i do not know by Direct Experience. i know that YOU deserve the Mt. Everest of Personal Fitness Training. i make sure that i not only RAISE the Standard of what a Personal Trainer or Yoga Teacher should be...i attempt to broaden all minds, all bodies by broadening my own by using, trusting, and TESTING that which the Ancient, Enlightened Ones taught...
during this section, the rain was pelting me in freezing bullet ways, the summit seductively yet excruciatingly kept lingering, lingering...never drawing nearer...so it seemed. step by wheezing step it was Doubt that ran through my system more than oxygen...
"What would my Sangha expect from me in this moment?" became my moving mantra up into the rarefied Zone Of The Mountain Gods.
READ THE ENTIRE TRAINING SERIES over at DIRECT LINES Subscription Format... DO NOT MISS this direct Dharma Teaching From the High Country of Colorado! order today at the Online Catalog!
{photo; blurred flowers from Coach's hypothermic hands shot from his camera phone at 11,300' on the 13-mile descent from the summit of Imogene Pass}