A question. mental cleanliness? I am taking your teaching that mental cleanliness precedes other states like calmness to mean something akin to "the body follows the mind". Mental chatter, busyness , distraction, confusion all lead to those states in the body as well. Is this what you mean? Thank you
clean living and loving,

READ COACH's WONDERFUL TEACHING ON DIRECT LINES: Subscription Format...here is an excerpt;
"Yes! Most of us want to meditate, we really do. We have an Intuitive Wisdom that KNOWS, beyond a shadow of doubt, that we must 'be our own best friend," and to be our own best friend, we must tackle that crazy thing known as our Unenlightened Mind. The ONLY way toward Enlightenment is Meditation. There is no other route for those of us who have taken a body (Form).
So, we sit down, cross our legs, straighten our spine, and resolve to "meditate." That is our Noble Intent, right?
The Practicality of the situation is something quite different! As we attempt to "fall into a meditative state," that everyone seems to be bragging about these days (just pick up a recent issue of YOGA JOURNAL or something similar and man, it seems like EVERYONE is "A Master of Meditation"!)...in our own Inner World, however, things could not be worse when we attempt to meditate!
First of all, there is the Body Obstacle preventing our meditative bliss; our spine hurts when we attempt to keep it elegant and uplifted. Our legs and feet go to sleep...kinda hard to be in "bliss" when we are grinding our teeth in pain trying to out endure the pins-and-needles stinging our legs!
Secondly, there is the Ego Obstacle. That iron clad silk veneer of "I" and "mine" that holds our True Self (purusha) captive from the Boundless Light (prakriti). Though the pain of the Body Obstacle in meditation is hard to overcome, the Ego Obstacle will more than likely take most of us the rest of our lives (if we are lucky) to overcome. It is the Ego that prevents the Mental Nakedness from enjoying its true Nature of Diamond-like Reflection and Clarity."