Top Ten Reasons (Excuses) Why Coach Did Not Finish On The Podium
At The State Championships Saturday:
#10) i've been climbing so high on so many podiums this season that i've come down with a case of altitude sickness.
#9) A State Championship Jersey? whippety doo...been there, done that...who cares?
#8) lats were still so pumped from flashing a 5.11 sport climb (true) the day before they screwed up my aerodynamics.
#7) didn't want the local bros to think i was showing off after only one season of racing here...
#6) had a mechanical failure (true...front wheel)
#5) had a spiritual failure (true...Dharma Wheel)
#4) too many of those damned "Secret Herbs", not enough EPO. note to self; make phone call to Floyd Landis and finally get some damn steroids into my system!
READ THE REST OF COACH's TOP THREE REASONS (excuses) WHY Coach Did Not Finish On The Podium
At The State Championships Saturday plus a beautiful Dharma Teaching on why it's time too really "change gears"
for the season.
Here is an excerpt:
it's time to rest after a long season and climb some rocks, explore some ruins, find new canyons, and help keep the deer and elk away from the hunters. it's time to chop some wood, lace on the ski training skates, hit the Iron Temple, and deepen my asana practice. it's time to hang with my parents while they are still alive and go camping with Ananda before the frost gets too heavy. it's time to ride my mountain bike among the slickrock of Sedona and feel the crunch of cold, starlit skies wander into an elegy of an amazingly beautiful and miraculous summer."
Coach's 2006 Race Results Thus Far
From..."The Coach That Still Does, To Serve You From Sweat and Spirit"
1/22 Snow or No Snowshoe Race 1st Place Snowshoe Division
2/18 Mt. Taylor Winter Quadrathlon 1st Place Overall Team/2nd Consecutive Team Title
6/4 Sandia Crest Hill Climb 4th Place/1st in 40+
7/29 SnowBowl Hill Climb 6th Place/2nd in 40+
7/30 Wupatki Road Race 8th place/1st in 40+
8/19 Old Fashioned MTB Race 3rd Place/1st in 40+
8/26 AZ State RR Championships 6th place