I have not an idea why today's studio yogis seem to poo-poo bodybuilders.
in WF, we do not make fun of bodybuilders. instead, we do what all yogis are supposed to do;
Accept them as our Teachers and learn from them.
most of today's studio yogis would do well in their own Practice to learn from bodybuilders how to
develop the basic building block of the Ancient Yogic Pranayamic Tool that is
fundamental to ALL inner energetic yogic work; Uddiyana Bandha (the flying upward seal).
Right there in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, the Scripture describes the very FIRST STEP to
Uddiyana Bandha:
"Pulling the abdomen back in and making the navel rise is Uddiyana Bandha. It is the lion
which conquers the elephant, death."
Chapter 3, Verse 57
To my eye, friggin' Zane looks like a Lion in the photo above; far more so than most of today's current crop of "yoga stars"!
i mean, who among today's yogis are as capable as Zane in their expression of controlled prana in their midsections!? Most are fat and flabby in their pooch compared to Zane!
so why do the studio yogis snicker at bodybuilders so often, still to this day?
sad to see so many asleep while pretending to be Awake.

how about pulling out that HP YOGA; PROP WORKOUT DVD and getting the TRUE UPLIFTMENT
HP Yogins; Though We Be A Small Tribe, We Are Fierce Like The Ancient Masters!
om so sweat,
the mountain yogi
photo 1: my Bodybuilding UpaGuru; 3-Time Mr. Olympian Frank Zane demonstrating one HELLUVA BEAUTIFUL "stomach hollow" that used to score major points in competitions. i just wonder now if he has used his amazing "stomach hollow" capacities for what truly matters; Uddiyanic Fitness! Zane's trademark was his elegant, strong, and OPEN physique! I loved his body and imprinted upon it for my own efforts in balancing my physique because Zane's body allways looked capable of doing sports and other functional fitness endeavors. Look at how OPEN his armpits are! To have your armpits flare open to the anterior so expressively requires tremendous flexibility of the shoulder rotators!
photo 2: coach during the filming of his PROP WORKOUT DVD; perhaps the most effective asana session available on the planet! pic by www.waynewilliamsstudio.com
note: Coach was a regional level bodybuilder podium placer in the eighties.