i have began my training to defend an overall title at my beloved, long time winter multisport event; the Mt. Taylor Winter Quadrathlon. i encourage each and every one of you to make a beeline over to the event's website and sign up as a soloist if you think you have the guts of a Mountain God, or arrange a 4-person, 3-person, or Pair.
the only way i have not done this Noble Race upon this other Sacred Peak, is as a Pair.
i am fixing that flaw this February as i team up with current World Mountain Running Team Champion, Lisa Goldsmith of Boulder, Colorado. Lisa was our Team's runner last winter and this year, this veteran of the High Peak Running Races will do the Bike and Run segments as i attempt to defend my top times in the 'winter events' - the cross country and snowshoe segments.
Below, i have our Noble WF Online Student John Kuhlman, entered as a Soloist in this year's event as spiritual pilgrimmage in his ongoing journey toward Enlightenment via Outdoor Sports. Below, is an excerpt from Hakado Ru's blog:
In the meantime, I've officially begun my training for the Mt. Taylor Winter Quadrathlon. The next month will be starting from ground zero with the Green Tara program. This cycle places an emphasis on strength training and gradually ramping up the cardiovascular volume from three to six hours per week. You know, re-building the foundation.
Following a recovery week, it will be on to a more power-intensive cycle and then into the specific demands of Mighty Mt. Taylor.
Actually, you can follow along as the whole program is brilliantly specified in:

The Winter Athlete: Secrets of Wholistic Fitness for Outdoor Performance
This is the training bible for any dude or dudette who seeks outdoor performance in winter sports.