coach and ananda in partnership; shakti energy resides low in the spine and must be brought up through an ancient sensory-loaded chakrafield known as the Sushumna within the spine before Shakti can unite with Shiva to bring about Enlightenment Energetics. photo by Wayne Williams.

"Yoga is a very confrontational science by design. The intent of Yoga should not be swept away by the seductive sweat of merely asana or, for the Awakening Athlete, the intoxicating effect from daily training. Attachment to sweat remains an Attachment and breeds only a more sexy brand of compulsion instead of an elegant, balanced effort toward Higher Consciousness. Though vital, our Daily Sweat must be used as karmic acid to erase our accumulation of mental and physical tensions (samskara). That which is tense becomes either fragmented or simply snaps. Thus, Oh Noble Fitness Warriors, let us consistently reMind ourselves that Yoga is a Path of radical self-transformation. This steep and direct Path, outlined by Fire and Light (fear and joy, pain and pleasure), veers not away from our inherent weaknesses and imbalances. Rather, a genuine Path of Yoga makes a direct line right toward the dark, frail, tight, and fearsome holding-vats of our energetic self.

Not often do even elite athletes or the highest intellectuals possess the caliber of Warrior needed to tread the Yogic Path. Regardless, to me, Outdoor Athletes constitute our current crop of the modern "Warrior Caste*" and remain the optimal caste for becoming Enlightened the fastest, if they are Practicing Yoga wisely.
Why do i say such a thing? Two-fold are my reasons..."
this most unique and provoking DharmaTeaching by COACH appearing today in
photo 2; local Flag cyclist, Tim Allen, training high on the Snowbowl Ski Road during a sopping wet and cold day. photo by Josh Biggs.
* = means, "Color Of Mind" as Taught in previous DL's