i got this shot of Joy "Ananda" Kilpatrick during her new altitude record while ascending
the 'upper bowl' of Agassiz Peak early this morning.
i was able to bag the summit and thus once again captured the coveted "First Tracks" of the winter season on the Sacred Peak. Everyone else this winter? They gotta follow my tracks, baby!
Wholistic Fitness®...The Mt. Everest of Personal Training!
Ananda and i are off to Sedona. i'll be back soon to fire up DL with more great Sangha stories, pics, and Dharma Teachings!
Be Sure to SUBSCRIBE TO DL, cuz what you read and see and feel HERE?
just the TIP of the ilg iceberg, baby!
May your Practice be strong, sincere, and may you continue to climb, step by step...breath by breath, toward YOUR personal summit!
om so ti,
the mountain yogi