(TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31st...so keep your Practice strong; come tonight and use our DVD's until November 7th!)
Namaste Noble Yogi's!
in my recent DL regarding the Soulstice Race, i began my account with a quote from Walt Whitman:
"I swear the earth shall surely be complete to him or her who shall be complete. The earth remains jagged or broken only to him or her who remains jagged or broken."
the quote is sticking to my cells like the fresh snow up on the Sacred Peak.
you see, we only have a short time here, between our first inhale and our final exhale, to take the curriculum of being human. most of our work during our short life spans will be spent in the noble effort toward finding and refining Balance. the Buddha said it best perhaps, "The art of life is Balance."
in HP Yoga, i do not pamper my Students. you deserve better than pampering.
as an intradiscipline of my Wholistic Fitness® Personal Training method, i teach Hatha Yoga as the Ancient Masters intended; as a Path targeting Radical Self Transformation.
what does that mean?
essentially it means;
1) being willing enough to ferret out our mental and physical weaknesses, not relying on our strengths. anyone can do that.
2) being brave enough to develop strength from out of those weak areas of self. doing so lifts us out of the mediocrity of the common, sleeping man.
3) be good, do good.
so, although there may be snow on your porch this morning like here at our Temple H(om)e beneath the cloud hidden Sacred Peak, each of us stands another chance tonight, to enter our Practice Cave by 7:00 pm and turn up our Internal Thermostats as we all begin again at working inwardly on our stuck,
and weak places.
in the end,
it will be our predominating quality of braveness and perseverance over our weaknesses and negative and lazy tendencies that matters.
come tonight, breathe, get warm and cozy within your body and mind. you know you will feel MUCH BETTER after the inner work has been done! it ALWAYS DOES, baby!
it all begins with the Breath:
Sutra's 57 & 58 of the Shivasamhita:
"As the mastery of breath-control leads to a vision of the Clear Light, it is necessary to work hard for its success.
- 57
"Success is not far away for him who practices this regularly. He undoubtedly gets a command over his breath gradually."
- 58
in (conscious) breath and posture,
coach ilg
founder/Wholistic Fitness® Personal Training
3 podiums in the past three weekends of racing using HP Yoga® teachings