Jennifer Heightley, who appears in "THE WINTER ATHLETE" book, shown here deep into my infamous IWT/IWCT workout, circa mid-eighties.
Dear Coach Ilg,
I recently purchased your book THE WINTER ATHLETE and have begun following the training regimen prescribed in the Area-Telemark chapter. I have a question about the IWT/ICWT routine. After outlining the sequence of exercises, the book says to repeat 2x for recreation pinheads, 3x for advanced, 4x for advanced who want enlightenment now. My question is this: Was it your intention to have readers repeat both Part 1(IWT) and Part 2(IWCT), or just Part 2?
Thanks so much,
Namaste Kevin!
Must be that time of the year when a few Wise Warriors pick up THE WINTER ATHLETE and start cranking their fitness up to meet the joys of a winter wonderland! I get this question reasked about every year and sorry i did not make the proper choreography clear in this particular workout.
You repeat Part 2 of the workout, not Part 1. Do Part 1 only once, then get crackin' on Part 2. Glorious pain!
Enjoy the Sweat, live the CHI!
om so ti,
coach ilg