Monday, October 9, 2006

"Booted" Student Still Receives The WF Light and Love

Dearest Noble Joy,

I know Coach booted me from the temple, and for good reason, but I wanted to let you know that you and he have been on my mind as of late. As I grow older and encounter more and more people in this increasingly hectic and chaotic world of ours, all that you do and stand for amazes me more and more because I have many more people with whom to contrast the Wholistic Fitness Tribe. There are so many people just trying to get by, just trying to stay afloat, and because of various social determinants that is all they can do. I am often saddened by this and wish I could be of some help to them. Lately during these episodes of concern I think of you, Coach, and the rest of the gang whom I have never even met, trying to change and improve the world, and I feel my inner vibrations quicken and my energy lighten when I do so.

Thank you for doing all that you do and being who you are. Thank you for trying to change the world one person at a time.

Om Namah Shivaya,

P.S. I do not expect any response to this e-mail, but have you asked yourself lately, "What is enlightenment to me?"