Barely capable of raising my arms after completing what i feel was my best yet Warrior Effort of 2006 which already includes 3 First Places in two different sports. Hey, WF is an effective Path...if YOU work the Path! You will read about this Warrior Effort in the next DL. Hint; note my trail running shoes fastened to my CamelBak!
photo by Temple Manger Ananda at Two Tree Manor.
"The practice of Zen is forgetting the self in the act of uniting with something."
- Yamada Roshi
September, as you have guessed from reading all the potent DL's which have flown through my feeble pen (well, keyboard) during this past month, is a peak Wholistic Fitness training period for me. AllWays has been. Can't beat the September CHI!
I did not have any races scheduled in September so i could focus upon what WF Warriors love to do most; shape shift into new and different Levels of body/mind fitness. It is what yogis do; we adapt to change faster and more powerfully than any other species or type of human on the planet.
For me, September Yoga means getting out and attempting to run - very awarefully - on my once shattered spine and pelvis. My skeleton cannot bear the 100+ miles per week of running i once did before my climbing 'accident' (aka; Divine Blessing). As the aspens leaves flutter about my footfalls along all the mysteriously beautiful Kachina Peaks trails outside the WF Temple Home, often my body is racked by searing neural pain as my old injury receives the concussion of each footstrike upon Mother Earth. Most men, and even the more stoic-in-pain women i daresay, would likely not volunteer themselves to the degree of pain that i must now endure to run.
Yet, i ain't gonna stop. I just must keep applying the Ancient Yogic Internal Locks and breathing practices so as to literally 'lift my etheral self' higher than the self associated with the physical pain.
The most valuable Practice for me as i attempt to run is my exclusive-to-this-Path; "Early Morning Ritual" which, during this time of the year, really emphasizes the incredible "Rock Vinyasa" - a Secret Temple Practice of mine self evolved from the dire need to create space in my lower back and hips. i nearly have completed an introductory booklet and DVD on this amazing Practice. Watch for it. If you have pain anywhere in your body; do this Rock Vinaysa Practice and watch the sharp, biting Pain begin to soften into purity of consciousness inviting your Higher Self to keep Rising Higher than the pain.
As you will soon read in an Exclusive DL Subscriber Only entry; by what i did this past weekend, i have proven once again the absolutely unmatched power of a WF Practice that completely defies ALL current notions of how one must train for, compete in, and excel in brutally tough trail running races with comparably non-existent running specific volumes and without ANY excruciating muscle soreness or joint pain after competing in such races.
I have always Taught you that, "The Pran (chi or life force) is stronger than anything else," and that is why, when you look at my September Training Stats below, i PRIORITIZE the three "Yin" Fitness Disciplines of WF and not the two "Yang" Fitness Disciplines of Cardio and Strength Training. This approach to competitive running is categorically opposite to the predictably obsessive traits of conventionally trained runners. the Way i continue to shape shift my body and her physiologic capacities throughout the years is done by a devotion to Meditation, HP Yoga, and Nutrition (pivoting upon SUNRIDER HERBS and a special Amino Acid Formula).
Study these Actual Practice Stats from last month and then watch DL for how i unleashed all this "invisible fitness" of meditation, HP Yoga, and herb-based Nutrition in a Half Marathon Mountain Running Race with only 5 practice runs!
I think you might be at least surprised, if not shocked, at just how FAST and EFFECTIVE a WF Warrior can shape shift his or her own Body and Mind by Way of tweaking what matters most: their Spirit (aka; etheral fitness via pranayama and mental training).
One day, perhaps even during my lifetime, the rest of the Fitness and Yoga world will Awaken and begin to study the Path that has been providing such amazing levels of self-transformation since 1982.
Then again, probably not. We in this Tribe, tend to soar a little too high, a little too far ahead of the pack. That's okay. We got each other, right?!
Oh, and when you read through these Practice Stats,
i need you to make sure you DO NOT TRY TO MIMIC THEM!
Don't show them to conventional athletes or to other yogis.
They will not understand.
in particular; DO NOT TRY TO MIMIC my extremely low caloric intake vs. caloric output!
this is a Coach's Direct Order!
if you do,
you will probably become faint, screw up your blood sugar, wreck your metabolism, get ill, get injured, or worse!
remember, i have the benefit of training in WF and on the SUNRIDER Herbs for a quarter century; do not think you are going to keep up with me without that base training across the WF Disciplines and herbs, okay?
Here you go and may this Entry
serve notice to your own Practice Stats across the WF Disciplines and Lifestyle Principles,
om so ti,
coach ilg
- note; due to safety considerations; only DL Subscribers can view Coach's extraordinary Training Stats...
back in the many years before DL Subscription, too many conventionally training athletes tried to
literally keep up with Coach and became confused, injured, and actually vented at Coach because of their
frustration at not understanding the science of WF and how to replicate the results or capacities. thank you for understanding!