Though it be spring, ilg still has a few snow-filled treats up his sleeve...check out what i did yesterday; The Agassiz Winter Duathlon!

"Oh yeah, this outta work," i smiled to Ananda as i wheeled Nalanda (my cross bike) out my driveway yesterday at around noon. she just shook her head saying, "Be careful," already accustomed to my need for quixotic workouts within the Sacred Peak wilderness.
my intent?
it seemed a go(o)d one to me: cycle up to the 'closed' alpine ski area carrying my skis, nordic ski up the ski runs to timberline at 11,500', telemark down, and ride back home. the salient feature on my planned route would have to be the 4,150' two-sport climb in just about 9 miles.
now, over the course of several decades, many of ilg's similar ideas have quickly disintegrated into a battle of what fellow WF Mountain Yogi Bantu may call, 'yet another battle between stubborness and stupidity', however, yesterday, the Mountain Gods were very kind and i came away with a world-class winter duathlon workout that is just classic. if you look closely at the little bulge in my ski pole strap in the photo above, that strap bulge kinda points at my top-out point right at timberline on Agassiz Peak. after Ananda snapped this picture, i was off and less than two hours and two sports later, i was at timberline, gazing down on all of my Beloved is the story and some more pics to inspire your own WF Practice...thank you for supporting DIRECT LINES; The Tribal Newspaper Rock of Wholistic Fitness since 1982.
DO NOT MISS THIS SCINTILLATING ESSAY WITH GREAT PICTURES FROM "AMERICA's MULTISPORT MUTANT" as Coach Ilg uncovers and brings to you yet another WORLD CLASS WORKOUT from the High Rocky Mountains....
half-day to multi-day training camps with Coach Ilg are available for all levels of warriors...come out to the Sacred Peak and share the transformative Pure Pran with us!
*("it only makes me stronger," is the affirmation i use in lieu of cursing's important for yogis to recall that wind is, after all, the metaphysical breath of the Son of the Wind; no other than the most mightiest warrior of all time; Hanuman!)