Namaste beloved coach:
I started my HP journey in mid-august, 2008 with your HP PROP WORKOUT® ...i was still searching for a teacher having only been in Flagstaff for 1 1/2 months. i used to "hate" ab work. your charisma and humor inspired me, and got me hooked...
- Julie "the petticoat yogini" M

(Corpse Posture)...
There is a time for letting go.
you know that ilg is a fierce teacher of 'corpse pose.'
no fidgeting. corpses don't move.
no thinking. corpses don't think.
there are several different states of Shavasana which i'll detail in an upcoming HP Yoga Update.
at her most elemental Level of understanding, Shavasana is a shucking of the ego. the trick to jettisoning our ego is not unlike skiing fast and smooth- you've got to accept the steepness of the slope. skiing requires a certain surrender to the...
DO NOT MISS THIS TEACHING and over 2,000 others plus stunning photography!
only for DL Subscribers; Support The World's Original Path of Transpersonal Fitness since 1982...come along, Oh Noble Friend of the Wholeness Path!!! We are waiting for you!
The HP Yoga®
Wholistic Progression System
Using the HP Yoga Wholistic Progression System in place at NAYC (and available in DVDs for your out-of-town friends and family), you will be assured of a great, safe, and wise way to slowly shift your body toward the yogic goal of JivaLaghuvata or 'a yogic body of Light.' Each Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday class affords unique physical, physiologic, and subtle training effects upon your body, mind, and spirit. As you continue to train within this system, you'll joyfully feel renewed, recentered, and more whole...you'll be able to tell by direct experience that this style was born from a Wholistic Fitness® tradition. There's nothing quite like it!
Bodywork, Online, and private consulations and training sessions within the disciplines of strength, cardio, yoga, meditation, nutrition, fat loss, and lifestyle training are always available. It's what i've done at a world-class level
since 1982. If you would enjoy myself or Joy to take a look at the Wholeness of your training, let us know.
Onward, Upward, and endlessly Inward...
your feeble teacher,
coach steve ilg
for a more complete view of Coach's notion of Yoga - one of nine subdisciplines of his Wholistic Fitness® Personal Training system, enjoy his book, TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION and his latest book; PRANIC JUNKIE...both are available at the The Northern Arizona Yoga Center retail shop or click on
"Shop Coach's Website Pro Shop" link below
Coach's Wholistic Fitness® website
Shop Coach's Website Pro Shop
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