Dear Coach Ilg,
One is always faced with choices in life. For me, my choice at this time is to "fully fund" my MAP Amino Acids, Sunrider Herbs, and Direct Lines. I will Tithe the WF Temple whatever I can each month until such time I can re-apply for entry into your temple as an Online Student.
Most Precious Friend Along The Path,
ilg thanks you.
my family thanks you.
the WF Lineage protects you.
the WF Temple is not my Temple...it's ours.
all of ours
she belongs to those of us who love to glisten with sweat,
and shake with inner stillness...
if everyone just followed your 4 Noble Foundations of the Temple Herbs, Aminos, DL, and Tithing?
the go(o)d soil from our Tribe would give a million-fold harvest from the seeds such sown...
Hari Om Tat Sat...
head bowed, heart open...
coach steve ilg
ps; you be sure to let me know if there is ANYTHING i can do to help guide you in regard to the Temple Herbs and Aminos...