this picture gets my "Living and Dying In Kali Yuga" award for the week...the photo shows the tens of thousands of 'satellite debris' now in orbit around our Mother. over the next decade a large percentage of this debris will be rocketing toward our homes down here on our Earth Mother. Yogic scriptures predicted that our imbalance of creating Outer Technology while ignoring Inner Spiritual/Consciousness Development will result in Shiva's Big Dance upon Humans. WF Assignment today; pick up a piece of litter with your Non Dominant Hand as a gesture of compassion for our Species avidhya (spiritual ignorance).
here is what the mother of your child wants to hear from you:
"You know what sweetie? let's say we knock off the television tonight,
climb onto the couch and just talk and snuggle a bit in front of the fire i made?
i've already done the dishes, yes, even the baby bottles, and i still have some
energy to rub your shoulders...what do you say?"
how Steep and Direct of a Path is that for must of us guys?
four words;
SUPER Steep,
SUPER Direct.
the Yang (male) Partner has countless genetic pulses - strong ones - that enforce
the Single Tasking of one thing at any given time for 'his' partner/family:
that's it.
attaining lower chakral manifestations of shelter and food (today's version is more easily recognized as "money and more money") for 'his' Clan is tantamount.
for the Yang Partner to flip instantly between Warrior mode of Hunting
and Incredibly Sensitive 'Guy' (which is precisely what New Daddies must constantly do)
requires demanding skills within the inner development realm.
ilg bows to Conscious Daddies the world over.
what do you call a really, really good looking pickle?
READ THE ANSWER PLUS MY OTHER FOUR DHARMA TAF's on today's DL Subscription Format;
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