"and to my local HP Yoga Sangha; sorry for being MIA last night...trust me, ilg woulda rather been training my abs with you in PROP WORKOUT than training them before the awlmighty and unforgiving Porcelain Throne..."
"I am burning.
If anyone lacks tinder,
let him set his rubbish ablaze with my fire."
- Rumi
translated by Kabir Halminski and Camille Helminski
that was friggin' gnarly.
well, the "guru" ate some unblessed flesh food (natural, free range chicken from a health food store) and both Ananda and i spent yesterday writhing in digestive agony.
when you have been on the SUNRIDER Herbs, and MAP Amino Acids, and when you have followed the potency of Wholistic Fitness Nutritional Principles (as outlined in TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION) for as long as i have, you get spoiled.
you get used to feeling superhuman, and as a result of decades of living each day at a world-class level of fun and fitness when Shiva does visit you with a biologic smackdown like He did to Joy and i yesterday?
you realize that you are undertrained in dealing with the agony of being sick.
so, if in your meditations yesterday, you could hear me moaning the Mantra, please excuse the ugliness...ilg was hurtin...couldn't even teach Prop last night. thank you, Steph, for substituting for me last night. and to my local HP Yoga Sangha; sorry for being MIA...trust me, ilg woulda rather been training my abs with you in PROP WORKOUT than training them before the awlmighty and unforgiving Porcelain Throne.
The Yoga of Food Poisoning points some very demanding fingers at a few pivotal Teachings;
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