read between my direct lines to enjoy a deeper chi hit, as well.
as ever.

Don't you just love it when people say, "Well, just 'Be yourself' and you'll do just fine."
They mean well, i am sure.
This great sounding counsel at first hearing seems to have all the qualities of a spiritual truth.
"Just be yourself."
Heccuva great line.
It's wise.
It's simple.
It's empowering.
The Higher Truth belies the obvious charm of this saying, for in order to be "who you really are,"
requires first and foremost that you know who that is.
I'm writing this right after teaching another body/mind searing session of HP PROP WORKOUT to nearly 20 students.
Trust me, when the intensity factor of HP PROP hits you like a brick right within the 5th minute of a 30 minute Ab Work opening sequence which is the precursor to the sweatpouringheartthumpingspirittesting other sixty minutes of full body blastdom...all before the 15-minute Bardo Meditation on how death process begins...
then the true fact of the matter quickly arises that none of us really do know who we really are.
Oh sure, we have a rough idea.

It's an idea fashioned largely from conditioned and inculcated demeanor swept into our cells courtesy of our parents first, then societal convention and then, well let's face it; We all cling pretty tightly to the very sketchy self-image we have managed to develop through a whole host of weird - often hormonally fueled stages.
Is it not true upon meditation that this fanciful, multi-layered self-image only causes us to become more deeply rooted (rutted?) in opinions and belief structures* we ought to be growing out of?
Would you like to know more?
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Blessed Be Thy Workout,
coach ilg
* Krishnamurti; "I have no beliefs, for belief is, by definition, a limit and spirituality has no limits."
photo 1: Lotus. Open Stock.
photo 2: Near the Mt. Baldy Zen Center...i took this when going skiing at Mt. Baldy where i do TAF that WF Devotee of 20 years, Ron Zolnick, is a ski instructor. i absolutely adore the zen qualities of the just fallen first snow upon the old rocks, sharp catci, and guardian pines in this Brahmanically gifted (what is not?) shot. nature is ilg's ishta devi.