text, photos, and YouTube video by coach steve ilg
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May - the wildflower month - is around the bend.
Gingerly unfolding cold legs,
i arise from morning Meditation
and wink at the frost still gracing the zendo window.
Grandfather Sun slowly shatters
cold silhouette of the Sacred Peak.
Resisting temptation to pull on moccasins,
i pad outside
filling the bird feeders
tip-toeing atop frozen grass clumps.
Warmth is a human desire far more
tenacious than arctic ice.
Feeble ilg keeps bringing you
logs, in your Heart, you know this.
Each day, you see me
stacking them at thy feet
for your sacred daily sweat
to be laced by divine insight and
stainless wisdom.
Feeble ilg may well be the weakest
Dharma Teacher
most afflicted Yoga Teacher of all time.
here is another log
for your inner fire...
ilg prays;
May you always stay
fueled for the Inner Journey...
See you in the Cave,
- coach ilg
Doko Oosliid and the Sacred Peaks of Saint Francis
from my Zendo window. photo by ilg.
Coach Ilg: Inside Team Elite®