slow flowing through the Taoist Yoga Postures, known as "Ai Imawa" as taught to me by Sensei Kishiyama. An updated version of my book, AI IMAWA: The Postures and Practice of Inner Harmony is being worked on along with a DVD. The above posture is, "Awakening The Spirit," location; Snow Canyon, Utah. Order your copy of Ai Imawa this month and receive $5 off!
I love it when one of my WF Students, Fans, or Friends float through Flag on their way to the Grand Canyon or elsewhere and make it a point to stop by for a dosage of HP Yoga at Northern Arizona Yoga Center like "Warrior Woody" of Florida did last week...here is what this Beloved Warrior from back East had to say:
Namaste Coach,
Thank you for welcoming me to NAYC yoga cave for an evening of sacred sweat. Not a day goes by that I don't think back to the energy you transmitted during that short but sweet event. My primary focus was on Ujjayi breathing as I struggled (a sign of my feeble grasping) to inhale the high altitude pran. Not an easy task for my sea level adapted lungs. My back survived with help from child's pose, although the "training" effect the next day was a strong reminder of the intensity and of a couple of "new to me" asanas.
Your ability to deliver an ass kicking session with such metta is unmatched in my experience.
I am planning a modest Temple Tithe of thanks after my next payday. I will also submit an "order" for a new blessing of my WF Training Mala. It has been well over a year since I received it and I TAF it is well over due.
Head bowed, Woody