returns to SoCal...
if you love warrior-based asana and sun-kissed private beaches?
here is the link:
HP Yoga With Coach in Malibu, May 2&3
April 20, 2009
HP YOGA: An Interdisciplinary Warriors Approach since 1982

"The gift of learning to meditate is the greatest gift you can give yourself in this life. For it is only through meditation that you can undertake the journey to discover your true nature, and so find the stability and confidence you will need to live, and die, well. Meditation is the road to enlightenment."
-Sogyal Rinpoche
above photo:
from formal Tibetan university meditation studies to
now studying my daughter helping me yesterday build Her
a sandbox...err, Her sand-triangle. i sense the metaphor
at work; ...a new type of Tibetan SandPainting born beneath our Sacred Peak.
photo by Joy.
some of us may not realize it, however, if our Practice has been steady, we are already viewing the rhythm of our lives differently.
matters which once triggered our emotive fire
have less power to do so.
more and more often, instead of seeing challenging circumstances as 'yet another problem to be solved by my already world-weary state' such trying moments are becoming rich, fertile terrain...ripe for our spiritual mining and personal growth opportunity.
when we knock the mud off our Mountain Bike shoes,
we can see that it all boils down to our Teachers, doesn't it?
ask yourself, Noble Yogi:
Who Taught Me What It Is That I Choose To Be?
Teachers...those Magnificent, Heaven-Sent Beings and Things
which ratchet up our flagging Awareness.
Teachers inspire us to Begin to See
more clearly
more purely
more divinely.
i was six years old when Father Ashley Samarashingle, a - get this - Hindi Catholic Priest first took me under His wing for spiritual training. since then, feeble ilg has been graced by a dazzling string of Meditation and Dharma Teachers. Each One categorically and exquisitely carved into my life to bless, guide, and protect my inherently gangly and gnarly yet consistent inward progress toward Awakening. A most recent Teacher in my astonishingly appropriate (and TOUGH) lineage of Teachers, is my
19 month-old daughter, Dewachen. Her unconditional ease of dropping into the most intensely concentrated yet unattached moment-by-moment meditation as She follows the Tao of Her days,
just boggles the comparatively mud-like nature of my own mind.
for Dewa?
every moment
is as it is.
no complication.
can something as mundane as a Stoplight be seen as our Teacher of Patience?
can we use the passing of a train as a Re-Minder for Mudra or Mula Bandha Practice?
are we willing to accept children and animals as our Upa Guru's?
can we accept a wild Wind as Hanuman's scream for our Highest Self?
my family and i will be teaching in Malibu next week,
so come,
let's gather this week in our Beloved Practice
for more Awareness Practice
within the Sacred Sweat...
miniscule ilg bows in wow
of tremendous you.

Tuesday w/Steve
5:30-7:00pm; HP Slow Flow
special focus; cultivating the Elegant Breath.
Wednesday w/Joy
9-10:30 am; HP Slow Flow
A class is geared specifically for women, though men are encouraged to practice with us! Stabilization and strengthening of the urogenital floor and mula bandha musculature as well as core muscles while breathing consciously and gracefully into higher levels of physiologic and biomechanic fitness.
Thursday w/Steve
5:30-7:00pm; HP PROP Workout
Practice what we all need; Strength and Spirit, once a week. This dastardly fun and focused class is not about your ability, it's about your chi force! Designed and proven to enhance ALL forms of asana, sport performance, and occupations. World exclusive right here in Flag! Class traditionally begins with 30 minutes of core work.
this weeks special focus; Japa
above photo of coach doing "PadmaCrunches" by James Q. Martin...click on photo for his website.
Dearest El Coache,
The closing meditation (Thursday) was filled with such Metta. I felt, for the first time this week a kindness towards myself and all others attending to the "Great Matter"...
And with deep humility, I acknowledge my courage, my fear, my anxiety, calm-abiding; crazy thoughts, and somehow coming through on the other side with hopefully a wider net and a more caring heart.
Thank you, EC, for extending an open hand and heart to me this week. A very deep bow in gratitude.
Much everything.
Love LH
The HP Yoga®
Wholistic Progression System
Using the HP Yoga Wholistic Progression System in place at NAYC (and available in DVDs for your out-of-town friends and family), you will be assured of a great, safe, and wise way to slowly shift your body toward the yogic goal of JivaLaghuvata or 'a yogic body of Light.' Each Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday class affords unique physical, physiologic, and subtle training effects upon your body, mind, and spirit. As you continue to train within this system, you'll joyfully feel renewed, recentered, and more whole...you'll be able to tell by direct experience that this style was born from a Wholistic Fitness® tradition. There's nothing quite like it!
Bodywork, Online, and private consultations and training sessions within the disciplines of strength, cardio, yoga, meditation, nutrition, fat loss, and lifestyle training are always available. It's what i've done at a world-class level
since 1982. If you would enjoy myself or Joy to take a look at the Wholeness of your training, let us know.
Onward, Upward, and endlessly Inward...
your feeble teacher,
coach steve ilg
for a more complete view of Coach's notion of Yoga - one of nine subdisciplines of his Wholistic Fitness® Personal Training system, enjoy his book, TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION and his latest book;PRANIC JUNKIE ...