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Dear Coach,
I am so glad to hear from you. I have been thinking and wondering this week; “Am I doing this right?” "I must not know some of the etiquette and requirements for this journey.”
And indeed, your note confirms that I am missing some things! Thank you!
I so want to do this well with my body, mind and spirit. I feel very lucky to have this privilege to work with you.
I am here and happy to be on the adventure and to comply with my coaches wishes. I intend to send you updates every Wednesday and Sunday. What else is expected of me and should I find this list in a place I have not yet sought it? (That is a HUGE question, isn’t it?!)
My Sauca has expanded this week to make space for my puja (had to move furniture). I have been reading DL, and exploring the WF Sangha Lounge. The use of my Sadhana Journal is becoming more full as I include feelings and mantra practices I do during my workouts. My SunRider Herb order arrived on Monday. I am on MAP Aminos and re-reading TBT.
I love your practices outlines in TBT (page 270) and have been doing the neti, yoga toes and tongue cleaner daily.
I also did some more reading, in Yoga Sutra II.40. to make sure I understand it – and this really hit me.
“When considering the cleanliness and purity of the body, it is always emphasized that the system of yoga views the body as a vehicle meant to nurture and aid the development of our spiritual beings. The body is affectionately maintained as the keeper of the spirit, a means to an end, but not an end itself.”
I needed to be reminded of the LOVE and appreciation, the affection for the body, for the rituals to cleanse the body because it is the keeper of the spirit. Thank you. Thank you. I am so grateful for all my body does each moment, every day, all my activities, holding my brain, giving me senses to be in the world and holding my spirit.
Purifying the mind is another intention of Sauca. I look forward to your guidance with this, Coach. I understand that cleansing the body and the mind relates to purity of spirit; peaceful, present, calm and sincere. I am enjoying this learning journey and eager to do more sauca in my life.
I have been having VERY colorful and detailed dreams. One important one, for our work together perhaps, came after I did a nighttime sitting focused on the Teacher/Student Prayer. I dreamt that you administered a bodywork session much like Thai massage – but especially focused on lateral flexion and extension. I have been thinking about this. Perhaps my movement is too linear. Perhaps I am not flexible enough in my mind and thinking. Hmmmm. I am open to guidance.
I’m off to the Sangha Lounge for Puja set-up guidance.
Hey, I also have the WF Yoga Prop Workout DVD! So glad I found that.
My body already feels as if it is reconfiguring on a cellular level.
I feel stronger, and have dropped 3 pounds.
And I also have had times of fatigue – that feel connected to regeneration in a way I have not felt in a long time – a good, thorough tired!
I have a long list of intentions, that I will strive to put into the accomplished list for my Update on Sunday.
Now and through our work together, I am open – heart, head, body and spirit, to your guidance,
Coach's note:
a "puja" is an altar/worship table used for formal meditation. all of my WF Online Students are expected to create such a Sacred Space.
Pay strict attention to how well New Student Elizabeth has followed through on the CELLULAR LEVEL of the WF Path; SUNRIDER Herbs, MAP Aminos, DL/WF SanghaLounge/TBT/Yoga Sutras as her Svadhyaya or "self study through Scripture".
Note that without lifting ONE BARBELL or doing ONE CARDIO workout, New Student Elizabeth has received the WF Transmission as demonstrated through her loss of Bodyfat (spiritual surrender to the Teacher), Dream visitation, and Mantra empowerment.
note also that we've begun our Work two-gether on the basis of Sauca...purity. this is Traditional Yoga as i outlined in TBT. without clearing and cleaning ones abode (home, occupation, mind, behaviors, and body) then, an aspirants entire Journey will be dirty and retarded.
do you have ANY idea of how FUN and HONORABLE it is to begin the formal WF Online Student Path with a Being as beautiful as Elizabeth?
well, i love to tell you,
ALL my Online Students contain these same measures of spiritual radiance...so...have YOU filled out your Online Training Application yet? you can study for as short as 6 months, if you want. the point is,
there is NOTHING like being a WF Online Student on this Plane(t) and pretty much everybody that matters, knows it! so fill out a WF Online Training Application...i'm only going to be providing this intimate type of one-on-one, traditional yoga Transmission for another few years. and, there is a waiting list for Applicants. make sure you are in Line outside the Online Training Temple!
"The Path works,
when YOU
work the Path!"
- coach ilg