it's go(o)d to rock our boat of belief structures...how else are they tested and strengthened? no matter what or who we 'believe in'...that belief structure is gonna get SMASHED to DIVINE SMITHEREENS anyway upon our Bardo Entry...so, why not continually test and develop our sense of Truth through confrontations, not avoidance?
-coach ilg
photo by AZ Daily Sun
Hi Coach!
My friend, D, is an extremely Evangelical Christian. I was just lying in bed and thinking of how much fun your HP YOGA PROP WORKOUT class will be tomorrow when I flashed on a time I inadvertently offended my also Evangelical niece by taking her to my Unitarian Universalist fellowship (definitely the opposite of Evangelicalism). My nature is to be very respectful (and in fact very curious) about other’s quest for Truth (as long as the rights of others to do the same are not infringed upon). I do not want to put her in an uncomfortable position so I started thinking of anything about your class that could cause unease for D.
So, that is the purpose of my email. Can you give me an idea of the spiritual side of your Prop class? Also, I guess I have never thought about the alter and know not of its purpose. Can you educate me?
What are your thoughts of the possibility of tomorrow’s class causing unease for a VERY Christian Christian? I think this is a weird question to ask but I am trying to be sensitive to this side of her. I am trying to imagine walking in shoes that I cannot possibly imagine wearing, if that makes sense.
"Most Precious and Sensitive Yogini K,
ilg thinks the likelihood is very high! and that is go(o)d!
PROP is all about the only engaged spirituality that matters;
SWEAT! (aka; Holy Water)! "
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