Kendrick Mountain Duathlon
65.50 kilometers (52.25k bike + 13.25k peak run)
(40.7 miles =32.27 mile bike + 8 mile peak run)
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Personal History with Route:
Cross Bike + Run: 4 hours, 13 minutes
11*2*08 solo
conditions; windy, snow at summit
Bike up: 49:30
Run up: 1:12
Run down: 0:51
Bike down: 0:46
Total Time in Transitions: 0:12
Salient Features:
Perhaps Flag's most exquisite mountain duathlon. Certainly in my Top Ten list of Southwest mountain duathlon's. Needs to be a competitive event. The bike segment includes antelope and ancestor spirit-filled pine forests worth the ride itself. The mountain run is a mountain yogi's dream come real... a real Stairmaster of a climb switchbacks again and again upon itself as airplane views begin spilling from beneath your "staircase to Heaven."...
read and keep this fantastic training route on today's DL!