Monday, November 3, 2008

Appendicular vs. merely Axial Fitness...NOVEMBER MEANS NORDIC!!!!

click pics to enlarge

enough of the cute baby pictures...

November means only ONE thing to me: it's NORDIC SEASON and i've got a State Title to defend!!!

time to sharpen the biceps as well as the thighs...
it's time to make the appendicular musculoskeletal fitness as strong and enduring as the axial musculoskeletal fitness!

runners & cyclists are imbalanced; their lower body and axial fitness is all they got. trust me, when i train runners in my HP YOGA PROP WORKOUTS or in the IRON TEMPLE using WF Strength Training Techniques? uhhh, they may be fleet, but they ain't FIT!..least not in a WF World!

nordic ski racers combine the lower body and axial skeletal fitness WITH the upper body and appendicular skeletal fitness.

Nordic fitness = wholistic fitness.

running and cycling fitness = what i call; Insect Fitness...specialization is not athletic prowess from a WF perspective. and it sure ain't Warrior Fitness! it is merely specialization and specialization, as i put on WF t-shirts in the late seventies; is for insects, not true athletes!

this balance of Whole Body Endurance is what makes NORDIC SKI RACING the Most Noble Cardio Discipline and Sport in the world! this summer i used our precious jewel of a path, WF, to gain 4 AG Podiums and 3 Top Ten Overalls in trail running.

i'd trade 'em all in for ONE NORDIC PODIUM! cuz' running is kindy-garten compared to Nordic Ski Racing, baby!!!

so, now it's time to match my 'lower body endurance fitness' with something that i've worked so hard on my whole life; upper body endurance fitness!

this WHOLISTIC BALANCE between a lower body and an upper body endurance fitness is precisely what is soooo beautiful to me about Nordic Ski REALLY demonstrates which endurance athlete is a more whole, balanced strength-endurance athlete.

my winter training and racing schedule is going to be subject of course, to Priority #1; being a Conscious New Daddy...however, my winter racing goals are ambitious and clear; get on the AG Podium and into the Top 20 at the Mt. Taylor Winter Quadrathlon, defend my State Nordic Championship Title, regain my World Highest Nordic Ski Championship in Classic Division, and get a AG Podium at the grueling, Tour de Ski Ultra Nordic Marathon.

dat oughta keep me off the streets, as my dad would say.

keep YOU tuned in and inspired to keep CRANKIN' this winter!
i KNOW i'll need your support this's gonna be tough, tough, tough...

as you'll see COMING UP next in DIRECT LINES,
my Kendrick Mountain Duathlon that i cranked off yesterday in 4.3 hours is a sincere gesture that New Daddy ilg ain't givin' up the fight for what turns on most: Winter Multi-sport Endurance Racing.

May your Workouts and WorkWithins be Blessed today...

in endless cold mountain sweat and freezing morning meditation,

always achievin' steven

photo 1; Quan Yin and i outside my "Ski Shed", preppin' ski bases last week. Quan Yin counsels most of my ski wax choices...She's quite go(o)d at it, actually! the mask is used to help thwart the flouracarbons from the ski wax...i am sorry, Father Sky! pic by Ananda.
photo 2; courtesy, Maurizio Pozzi