WF Yogini Karen, evidently demonstrating for us Sitali Pranayama! click here to visit the blog of this artist extraordinaire:
WF Yogini Karen From Portland

"Loved Coach’s ‘sleepy head’ entry, i read it right after waking up at 7AM on Sat. and had to laugh at the appropriateness of the message….Om so ti.
Om Mani Padme Hum,
visit the blog of WF Master Student Shawna Schaub who regularly visits the WF SanghaLounge at:
Shawna Schaub Photography
photo of WF Master Student Shawna by Gretchen Del Carmen: http://www.gdcstudios.com/

click here and save to your BlogList, cuz each Monday the Shakti Spirit of WF sings out fresh via:
The JoyFul Breath
and in the WF SanghaLounge:
seasoned WF Master Student Abu returns from pilgrimage,
and coach is getting gunic in the Greg Hockensmith thread:
"for now,
know that the continual self study of the CAUSES which create each act is required so that the aspirant begins to Feel - within his or her cells - the efficacy or non-efficacy of an action. otherwise it is just intellectual gymnastics which contribute only pollution instead of purity to Practice.
remember: matter and form expresses the precise nature of spirit."
there is a whole lot of Tribal Lovin' and Teachin' and Sharin' going on each day at:

it's allWays happening; 24/7 in the Wholistic Fitness SanghaLounge; the tribal chillout on the internet for fans, friends, and family of Wholistic Fitness Warriors and Warrioresses worldwide...visit daily, contribute often; Share The Love, Share The Sweat Based Insights!
we all just a peaceful warrior bunch of groan -up kids trying to do and be go(o)d in the world...c'mon join the parade!
only $10 dang bucks/month will net you your best training partner(s) for Enlightenment Through Sweat!