throughout the 25 years i've put Wholistic Fitness out into the UniVerse,
some of my most stalwart supporters who SEE my Vision of WF come from those who i revere; The Real Warriors, the Military.
Doctors, too, are attracted by the intelligence and multidimensional depth of WF.
WF is a Warrior/Brahmanic Path, meaning, "This shit ain't just 3 sets of 10 reps."
It's Fitness Intelligence which must be steadfastly Pierced and Practiced with Sweat Soaked Perseverance.
Most will quit.
Fine by me. i don't want Quitters. i want Keepers.
Fine by me. i don't want Seekers. i want Finders.
i want your Soul, not your Words.
no wonder why those who survive the battlefields of medical school and blood and guts receive the Message of WF so clearly.
how Blessed is my life?
just hours ago in DL i posted a handwritten letter from Michael Secrest who was helped to smash TWO WORLD RECORDS by my work.
below, is another Love Letter to me from another Warrior; a real one, a Marine. 64 years young who has been so touched by TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION that he has dug out his old 10-speed bicycle and barbells to re-ignite his soul.
Meet Erl, whose eyes still shimmer with endless CHI. you and i would not be Here Now, loving and Practicing in this Noble Way together on Turtle Island if it were not for the Marines and the other real soldiers. they give their life, they give it all for nimcompoops like me to speak of poetry, spit rap, race races, or burn our own Country's flag or practice any other Freedom in this land.
i have had the indelible honor to work personally and professionally with the Military Soldiers...