Has the "World's Fastest Yogi" (see the next upcoming DL) fallen prey to the toxicity of living and training in LA for a decade? in LA, my Bicycle Commute to teach my yoga class ranged between 24 and 17 miles along such crazy streets as Ventura, Sepulveda, and Westwood Boulevards. talk about getting AGGRO on the bike just trying to stay friggin' ALIVE...then needing to 'switch gears' and become a nice, calm Yoga Teacher in the blink of an eye! i just wanted to make sure i was doing my best Effort to live the Warrior Life of a genuine yogi! now, my lungs may be paying a high price for all those Noble Miles and gallons of gas i saved! Oh Well...the spiritual MERIT is still all mine! whenever we make Noble Effort to rise higher than our lazy tendencies, the spiritual merit is never, ever lost! in this, the WF Yogi trusts. above photo; my lil' 6-mile commute to my Flagstaff Yoga Class is a paltry yet deeeeeeply more calming version of my former Cardio Commutes! the Bike Being i am on is the grand ol' steed; Nanisimo - my Duran custom-built MTB from the eighties still going strong and full of chi!
READ THE ENTIRE FEATURE ON TODAY's DL which gives the WF Method for supporting the Respiratory Immunology with "Secret" Herbs!