a journey with hardship will help them to understand the nature of the world.”
- Amma

The WF Temple Version of the Divine Mother; before choosing to take the Pilgrimage of Motherhood...

...and just the other day on a hike at 7 months into Joy's (and my) Most Sacred of All Pilgrimages; Spiritually Conscious Parenthood.
i would like to this m(om)ent to thank all of you HP Yogis and WF Warriors who have chosen to express your love of the Path and our humble Service by participating so generously in our Baby Registry, located on Joy's blog (see below). if you are able to receive just one nanobit of the torrential Love that circulates around our H(om)e Temple, then you can get a Feeling of how potent - in a spiritual manner - our lives are these days. thank you for your Gifts; they mean EVERYTHING to our lil Dharma Family up here beneath the Peak!
do not miss Joy's fantastic blog, complimentary of our humble Temple of WF and refreshed by "The Divine Mother" herself each monday;
The JoyFul Breath
May your Sweat and Stillness be saturated with Love,
el coache