Sunday, July 29, 2007

coach and Ananda apologize...

photograph of coach and Ananda last week by Melissa Grimes; Melissa's Photography Blog

Noble Sangha,

regardless of my 30+ years spent in Meditation and Inner Work, it remains a most difficult Sacred Duty being the Helmsbeing of WF. all such Inner Work done on myself has really only Highlighted the obvious fact that i have so much MORE Inner Work to do in order to become an elegant and conscious and whole Human Being. let alone a Teacher of Yoga and Transpersonal Fitness.

perhaps my most peculiar aspect of my SvaDharma (Sacred Duty) is the often frustrating and absolutely bewilderingly fierce job of providing these DL Teachings each day. i don't just cut and clip a humorous YouTube link in my blogs, nor are your eyes or mind polluted by any 'commercials' or 'advertisements' on my blogs. in spite of the fact that i lose veritable boatloads of money and time each day on these DL's, my only Prayer is that one of you are touched in some important Way that brings more Consciousness to your precious life. my blogs are my attempt to carry forth into the Ever Accelerating Outer World the last remaining fiber of the Samurai tradition; "Perfection and Integrity in every word, thought, and breath."

and i die at the Sword each day.

like today as an example: Ananda just now alerted me to a most GLARING error in my DL yesterday. my last paragraph which i was thrilled to Hear come through me,
was spoiled by my last sentence.

That sentence should read, and i TAF it may be one of ilg's most potent quotes yet:

"And do not think for one m(om)ent that there is not a WHOLE lot of mothering in being a father!"

my head and the head of Ananda (who often attempts to proof read my DL's) are being held low tonight in apology for being such feeble reflections of our Most Benevolent and Powerful Spiritual Lineage of Amitabha Buddha...and i bow doubly low to Marpa The Translator in the Sukhavarti Realm; your Servant ilg knows nothing save for the fact of my avidya.

thank you, Cherished DL Subscriber, for your Practice of ongoing Patience with the weakness of my present incarnation...

om so ti,

coach and Ananda