Namaste Noble Herbal Warriors!
Summer Missive is dedicated to the health our children (in all forms). It was inspired by a letter i received from one of our Herbal Father Warriors. May the below correspondence help not only your loved ones, but those you may know who are searching for a healthier LifeStyle.
Student: My 3 year old is always itching and scratching his skin. A dermatologist told us he has eczema. An allergist told us he's allergic to dogs, cats, hemp, dust and tree nuts. He has some dry rough patches on his skin and sometimes in the heat he develops tiny pinhead size hives. I received both Coach's and your's updates regarding Sunrider's beauty bar and I started thinking. Do you think this might help my son? Does Sunrider offer any other products that you think might be helpful? Thank you for your advice. I know you and Coach are super busy and I continue to marvel and the way you both find a way to accomplish so much in a 24 hour period. Ananda: i contacted our Group Director, Trish Childers, whose granddaughter has sensitive skin. This is what Trish has to say:
"I had no problem recommending the Beauty Bar for my 2 year old granddaughter with her sensitive skin. And when the Kandesn Spa Bath Oil was released, I made sure she had that, too. It's all helped, but her problems are also inside her little body, which her Mom is diligently working on. Alexandra LOVES her Calli Night & Vitalite Strawberry shakes, along with a healthy shot of Suncare. It's a sad thing when such young children are suffering from the environment. We have to do whatever it takes to help them develop their immune systems. Nothing in the Sunrider store can hurt them, or us for that matter. So, any SR that your Noble Herbal Warrior can get on or inside his son will help the recovery process. It has been almost five years now for Alexandra, and we see improvement, not a consistency is the key, just like anything else, right?"The Health of our Children
Continuing on the topic of the health of our children below is a missive from
Coach ilg. It was originally sent on 10/28/05. Another Father Herbal Warrior was writing to Coach about his Children...
My kids love Ilg Supremes, Calli and Fortune Delight (budding warriors).• Coach:
this is HUGE!
NOTHING more important to health (hell, the SURVIVAL) of our planet than
having HEALTHY KIDS parented by Conscious, Balanced Parents!!! i bow to you!!!
My question is which Sunrider products do you think are most appropriate
for kids for cleansing/regeneration, as well as boosting their immune
systems for the coming holiday and cold season (I could easily slip some
herbs into their oatmeal in the mornings without them knowing) and are
there any that might not be appropriate for their growing and vulnerable
it has been some years since i fielded this question, which is, kinda sad, considering all the
requests i get from "grown ups" more concerned about their cellulite and beer guts than i do
about using the SUNRIDER Herbs or integrating a WF Program for their children!
Answer is (in order of priority):
1) NuPlus or VitaShake (both go GREAT into kids hot or cold cereal and is simply the single most
powerfully healthy thing you could do for your children's physical well being and proper regeneration!...
many kids absolutely LOVE Chocolate VitaShake mixed into Chocolate Silk Soy Milk; YUUUUUM!!!!!!!!)
2) Metabalance 44 screw "Flintstones" vitamins and start your kids early so SOMEONE can at least ATTEMPT to better my
record of 5 World Championships in 4 different sports...jeezo!!! today's kids that are fed the crap from our
grocery stores and those cursed "GNC" type of supplements can't even hold their posture or move like children should!
give their growing bodies what their cells need most: ACCURATE whole food nutrition that sparks their natural
chi and physiologic growth metabolism!
3) VitaSpray do your kids a BIG favor; instead of getting a monetary based "Flu Shot" which only WEAKENS their natural
immune systems, just put a VitaSpray vial into their pockets and say, "Honey, i want you to pump three sprays of this
magic health formula into your mouth at 10, 12, and 2 o'clock...or whenever you remember, okay? It will keep you healthier
than the other kids so you won't get sick, and it makes you more smarter, too! It's like a Happy Healthy Spray!"
4) Fortune Delight + Sunny DewIt took me nearly 20 years to cut my addiction to Diet Coke and sodas. do ME and your beautiful children a favor, and learn from my hard efforts;
do NOT start your kids on the Soda Way To Hell And Poor Being...
instead, cultivate their appreciation for natural tastes, not over sweetened, processed bullshit.
FD + SD will keep your children's cells well hydrated and their taste buds firing in natural, not chemicalized, ways!
that's all they really need. if your kids have Special Issues, let your WF Teacher/SR Upline know.
once they stop physically growing and their physiology starts its Cruise Control mode (which lasts until their early twenties)
that is pretty much all they need from the potency of the SUNRIDER garden.
however, once the reach their early twenties, it will become vital for their cellular health and regeneration to get into
Phase 2 of my 3-Phase Approach to using the SUNRIDER herbs!
How about a Ilgonian-phased-program for kids?• Coach:
see my above counsel
Here is some additional input from Trish Childers, Our Group Director:
Kandesn Hand Cleansing Gel is vitally important for all of us, but especially for children, since they are all such touching & sharing beings, including germs. So, tuck a tube in their backpack.
Also, SR's chewable
Citric-C tastes great, one tablet is like eating several oranges all at once. Certainly helps the immune system in a big way.
If you feel their systems need some extra help the
Liquid-5 (Quinary in liguid form) will do the trick & it's easy to open a bottle & just chug it. Most adults don't like the taste, but children do.
Even Our Animal Companions Recognize The CHI of SUNRIDER!
The below story is from WF Online Master Student
and Sunrider devotee SS:
Since we ran out of dog food for Maddie she was fed SR Sunbars for breakfast and dinner on Sunday. Typically she is such a 'talker' and starts barking at us at 5pm exactly for her dinner... After having (1) sunbar for breakfast, she did not bark all day at us – went swimming and continued to give us looks back and forth to her bowl, but no startling ‘barking’. At 6PM, she received a 2nd sunbar and she was so happy. She slept the whole time on the 2 hour car ride home. living off the herbs and not ‘counting’ the minutes or having that internal clock force a meal….it was amazing to watch. now that’s one well fed dog…hee…hee."Questions on SUNRIDER? Still need to get signed up on the Sacred Herbs?
contact WF Temple Manager Ananda at: