WF Temple Cat Jasper often keeps a Four Legged Eye of Wisdom on Teacher Ananda's work with her Online Students to make sure our WF Online Teaching is not too Intellectual! photo by coach.
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as a young spiritual athlete, i remained bewildered in my contemplations at why the Masters and even my own Tibetan Teachers kept pounding into me the fact that Intellect is a 'klesha' (affliction). the Intellect, i was taught, must be watchdogg'ed and kept in its place, "...just like one of your competitors that you have passed, you still must try very hard to stay in front of him," advised one of the Lama's working with me who knew i was a distance runner at that time.
of all the human qualities that can dwindle and sabotage spiritual wisdom, it is - ironically enough - our cherished Intellect or what we recognize in yoga as the energy structure of "buddhi" (along with buddhi's cohort in spiritual ignorance "ahamkara" or the...
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