as a child, my nordic ski coaches would haul us Durango skier punks over to Wolf Creek Ski Area in the early season just so we could get a jump on our ski training. no small feat for a small mountain town ski team at the kid level; Wolf Creek was a good 150 mile round trip.
our coaches, Olympians, were not afraid to do what it takes to get quality training for us.
later in life, i moved to and lived in Pagosa Springs, a tiny hamlet at the foot of the tremendous Wolf Creek Pass and Weminuche Wilderness. there, i developed some of my strongest mountain yogi capacities and wrote a book of poetry called "Pagosa Speaks." (available on our Tribal Catalog)
this morning, while planning to hop over to my old DharmaGrounds to enjoy their 100" of snow already, i tapped into their website:
and read:
"Regrettably, after 30 years of continuous public use, Wolf Creek Ski Area has been ordered to cease and desist from grooming the Cross Country Nordic Track System by demand of the Leavell-McCombs Joint Venture (The Developers of The Proposed Village at Wolf Creek)"
Oh, trust me; the battledance between go(o)d and evil is still alive and profoundly touching in my Beloved Southwest mountains...the mountains of the WF Gods.
May All Ski Area Developers Develop Some Degree Of Higher Consciousness
and i bow to the young kids of Durango and Pagosa Springs, who no longer
have a place to infuse their young spirits with the CHI of what moved me to
Practice that which is go(o)d for All Beings, including and starting with myself.
om so ti,
coach ilg
* photo by Ananda; i still hunger for the sweetest sound to my ears in the Outer World; nordic skis scraping, sliding, gliding, and dancing across a white canvas of snow.