Spokane, WA
Meet and talk with Joe and nearly 60 other WF worldwide warriors exchanging Practice insights and encouragements and inspirations each day in the WF SanghaLounge, available only to DL Subscribers.
Why is it a wise notion for a Warrior to hang out and check out all the new Posts in the WF SanghaLounge? Cause every now and then I pop my head into the various caves in there and facilitate for free. That’s right; occasionally you get complimentary coaching from me if you just show up in the SanghaLounge and contribute.

The Masters have always warned the aspirant along the Path of Awakening not to seek too wide; learn and develop a few Proven Tools of Transformation from your Teacher, then Practice going DEEPER for years. Too many Students do not know how to control their hunger for spiritual growth and turn outward to become addicts to new styles of yoga, meditations, personal growth seminars, books, etc. Meanwhile, they do not See the magic of Transformation available to them right beneath their noses; such as a toilet, a stairwell, or a toothbrush. This type of spiritual ignorance is the root cause of all human suffering; assuming to know things without truly Seeing their intrinsic nature. If we constantly think we need a new mantra, a new Teacher, a new Teaching...you know what happens? Our most important, basic Tools that we first learned from our Teacher(s) - perhaps something as simple as "Conscious Breath and Posture" throughout the day - becomes dull, cold, and useless. In WF Online Training, i have a 25-year old Path of Progressive Proven Tools that are only given when the Online Student is READY and has shown mastery in his or her current Level of Attainment. This type of one-on-one training beneath a Teacher for each Student ensures that the Student does not become a "Spiritual Materialist" or an Addict to thinking that More Is Better. Remember one of my first Teachings to you so long ago:
"Less is more."
enjoy the following Teaching and i will see you in the WF SanghaLounge!
photo: snow is falling at the WF Temple H(om)e yet my Ax of Awareness is never allowed to become dull by searching outside my current Practice or Teachers. Deep, not Wide. That is how we strike the true Go(l)d; the Awakening of Kundalini through strong and capable gross, subtle, and refined anatomy. photo by coach
DEPTH NOT WIDTH; Look Within, Not Wider
by coach ilg for the WF Sangha
Below is an example of how I chose to keep Online Student JJ of Chicago (Go Bears!) working on depth of practice instead of grasping for more “tools”. Remember my quote, Noble Yogins, whenever you think your Practice is stalling out. Just repeat to yourself:
“In this moment,
Am I concentrating or
Am I grasping?”
- coach ilg
Dear WF SanghaLoungers,
Many thanks for all of your comments. They are wonderful and have given me a great deal to think about over the past several days.
I am a husband and a father of four daughters and have often thought about this question of the steep and direct path to enlightment. I think I am on it, or at least on the path that is appropriate for me, and it feels awfully steep and direct. It occurs to me that I have many more teachers than just Coach Haku. WF is important, but for me it is like a thread that winds through and binds together teachings I receive from my wife, my children, my pastor, my colleagues and others. I need all of these teachings right now and it would not be appropriate for me for now to follow the path of a solo warrior...
OWN "Jesus Granthi's"!