i give you today's DL Subscription entry without edit.
this is the type of genuine CHI that hallmarks each day of DL Subscription and gives you access to the incredible wealth and love of our new WF SanghaLounge.
May each of you realize the value of a few pennies per day and Subscribe to DL;
i promise; it will deepen and inspire your Practice in ways unimaginable to you right now...

"I am attaching a picture of myself taken earlier this year in one of the forests in southern India where I was helping with some field research on wildlife - I look pretty much the same (a few pounds lighter now)." Non-Formal Student Praneet, a WF Yogi in southern India high on the MultiDisciplined Pran after completing the Frugal Realm WF Program in TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION. Hey, there is a lot of 'pran' in Praneet! ;-)
How's this for a Thanks-Giving Message...and i ain't talkin' Hallmark bs...this is the WARRIOR type of genuine appreciation streaming from an Awakened Yogi halfway across the (outer) world:
Dear Coach llg,
My name is Praneet, I am based in Bangalore, India and want to say - thank you for the beautiful message of Wholisitic Fitness that you are sharing with the world through your books, articles and life.
I had been stuggling to regain the fitness levels I had in my teens and early twenties (am currently 31). I had been training and had been drawn to meditation but had not practiced with enough focus to see significant changes and had realized over the past several years that to be happy I needed to meditate and train physically but did not have the right guidance.
I was browsing through books in the fitness/wellness section of a bookstore when I chanced upon your book - in retrospect I think I was destined and ready to find your book (Total Body Transformation) and open myself up to your teachings.
Since I started walking the WF path I have shed a lot of my fears , learnt to be more responsible and am starting to realize that the beauty inside has always been there - I just had to become aware of it. All aspects have helped - meditation, yoga, strength training, cardio (especially the cardio commute) and nutrition and I now bow to breath as well :-) I have a long way to go, but am taking one day at a time.
I have just completed the Frugal Realm (whew) and am on my week long break, waiting to get in to the Jeweled Lotus. I am planning on participating in a Marathon next year - something I have always wanted to do but never had the courage or discipline to pursue.
Thank you coach Ilg - I am truly and forever grateful - you have helped me transform my life. Thanks for your words of guidance and encouragement and for your embrace - I return it with great love and respect. Yes, I will continue focus on the stillness beyond my sweat and will join the temple one day :-)
Peace and love,

One Heaven Of A Path, you and i have been Blessed with, eh?
Noble Warrior Praneet, YOUR Devotion IS my Thanks-Giving. No matter how stuffed or hollow our stomach may be tomorrow evening, it is my Prayer that all beings everywhere remain HUNGRY FOR THE TRUTH.
i know that you, ALL of you which make up our WF Sangha, make one feeble mountain yogi deeply, deeply joyful and through your sweat and stillness, i remain inspired to continue along our Steep and Direct Path.

off to New Mexico with Ananda for some family time in multidimensional Ways; biologic family, sky family, earth family, river family, road cycling family, sagebrush family, red dust wind family, etheric family...
and some UnAwake people say that i am not much of a "family man"...i beg to differ!

As we continue to find HaTha Yoga, we inevitably find the Prana and the Apana within each Conscious Moment. As those two vital inner winds become more controllable with our one pointed mind, then not only are we are introduced to our Inner Teacher, we are also introduced to the countless generations of our unique and true Inner Family.
Such is the ThanksGiving of HaTha Yoga; the merging (union) of Prana-vayu and Apana-vayu!
May MultiLayered Dharma Blessings shower upon you and your infinite Family, and may you remain Awake Enough to feel them, share them, and GiveThanks for them.
om so ti,
your loving coach
2) adobe church wall, southwest sky. Santa Fe, New Mexico, my former h(om)etown. photo by coach.
3) adoble wall, tree shadow, southwest sky.Sedona,Arizona. photo by coach
4) i am perhaps Happiest when i launch myself along the open roads of my Beloved Southwest. it's even better with my beautiful Ananda by my side, sharing the sensuality of red rock, pranic gusts, and shimmering high mountains. photo by Ananda.