Talk about a Grand Kiva!
There is soooo much great Dharma flowing in the WF SanghaLounge already...
below is an edited exchange between two our Noble Warriors; Brad and Michael in regard to yesterday's DL:
Noble Coach Ilg,
Never before has a DL struck me quite as hard as today's concerning the nasty habit of intellect. Having struggled with this "habit" my whole life, I shudder to think how many "points" I've missed as a result.
Often I have sacrificed feeling to prove myself "right" in a situation. Gotta be right. So very important. Like many habits or addictions, this one is tough to kick. Ah, to be a child again. Ignorant of "facts" but so rich with feeling and utterly absorbed in experience. To begin again, endlessly again...
I'm pouring like hell but my cup is still full.
humble student bg
How beautiful is that?
To me, nothing is more attractive about a human being - male or female or whatever - when they are Working Inwardly on themselves.
A touching response to California Student BG's input followed quickly from Student MT of Maine. coast to coast, the WF SanghaLounge is spreading the Love, baby!
"Namaste, Noble Student Brad,
As you wait to hear from Coach Ilg, I will offer my view on the topic, having walked the same Trail. Indeed, I often find myself back on it.
You might think of attachments that you have to certain outcomes. You see a certain outcome in your mind, so you "have to be right" and see this outcome to fruition. Zen Masters teach us to be wary of such attachments to outcomes. When you give up such attachments to the duality of one outcome being "right" and the other "wrong" life begins to flow again. I am a kayaker and I often ponder this lesson while paddling...I put it into the phrase, "Don't fight the river." You might try going through a day mindfully preparing yourself to face all situations knowing that whatever happens is "right", even if you can't see why at the time. You may find, as I have, that it is tremendously liberating to not have to be "right" all the time.
Please also recognize that your ability to see future outcomes so readily is a Gift that not all possess. Rather than using this gift to be "right" consider applying it to visioning your future path on the WF Trail.
Coach will be able to put it into a better light, I'm sure, but be comforted by the fact that you're not alone on this one.
I bow to your Pursuit.
- Student Michael"
each day dozens and dozens of other such touching and helpful insights on the Steep and Direct Path of WF are being shared in the SanghaLounge...talk about a fantastic way to keep your Practice strong and sincere!?!? Get into the Lounge and ENJOY!
i have designed it to be YOUR Kiva!!!!!!!!!
come, take the Talking Stick...feel how much Tribal Love is available to you!
see you in the Lounge!
om so ti,
coach ilg