Read Coach's astoundingly consistent Practice Stats and how they transferred into 3 Podiums in three different sports in October plus...see beautiful photos and Coach's essay on Temple Life in the Season of the Falling Leaves
Uh, do your Fitness The Highest Favor You Can...
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let's listen up to Coach; he just blew his whistle!:
"Well, Ananda and i
off to LA to teach on Saturday in Brentwood!
kinda hard...
okay REALLY hard to leave the Sacred Peak these special days,
both Ananda and i look forward to Serving our Big City Sangha...
you can see our flyer on the WF website under Upcoming Events.
my intent is to keep DL fluid during my trip, however, just know that i love you most
when your Practice is strongest, sincerest, and most of all; Surrendered into Grateful Appreciation for this amazing, Blessed earthwalk that you and i share...
Dance in your bones,
until you shatter yourself, said Rumi...
head bowed,
Mr. Bones"