If we just Practice the first Lifestyle Principle of WF; Breath and Posture, we would all become Awakened very quickly. Even going to the bathroom becomes an exquisite meditation in Elegant Consciousness. Do not overcomplicate my LifeWork; WF is a very simple and powerful Path. It is often invisible, yet tremendously transformative. All you have to do is Practice the very first WF Lifestyle Principle today, and you will See.
- Coach Ilg, during a section of his trademarked, "Early Morning Ritual" which has been in use for WF Online Students for many years. Note the activation of the Internal Yogic Locks as taught to you in previous DL's. Photo by Ananda. Do not republish this photo.
So often people try to complicate Wholistic Fitness. Just re-read the WF Sutra section in my TBT book, you will be reMinded how uncomplicated is a WF Lifestyle. Or better, just read my book, BE GOOD TO YOUR BODY THERAPY. Can't get much more simple than that!
WF is a Path of Higher Consciousness. Using everyday lifestyle and the necessity of regular fitness endeavor, WF injects the notion of developing Conscious Elegance to awaken our spiritual self.
My first Lifestyle Principle of WF is the most important. If you only work on that first Lifestyle Principle which is "Breath and Posture" you will become Awake very quickly. Such is the Transmission Power of this Path.
When you walk, practice walking with Elegant Consciousness. If you practice walking with Elegant Consciousness, do you know what happens?
A trickle-down training effect comes naturally. That is to say, you will soon begin to sit with Elegant Consciousness...then...
READ COACH's TRULY INSPIRING AND TOUCHING TEACHING IN TODAY'S DIRECT LINES, Subscription format; No other Teacher works so hard for so long at molding an Eastern Path of Spiritual Fitness to fit into the hurried lives of the Western modern man; do not get dropped!