nearly hypothermic after a November training ride,
ironically, the warmest place to be these days?

CHILLIN' out in front of the computer,
surfing the new WF SanghaLounge and rappin' with my Tribal Brothers and Sisters!
(forgive the half-a-thumb in your face!)
my Teachers trained me from elementary school;
"Blessed is he who has no expectations for he shall never be disappointed."
be that Teaching as it is,
still, the premier opening of my WF SanghaLounge, a place for my worldwide students to crash, and chill on the internet and hang out and learn and enjoy the company of our multi-disciplined yogic lifestyle has blown the roof off of ANY subtle expectations i might have harbored!
figgering,"oh gosh, the SanghaLounge will probably just be a cool place for a handful of our most devoted students and fans..."
uhhhh, guess again Coach!
dozens of you have jumped over to the SanghaLounge and let me tell you, my heart is sooooo deeply pleased at the integrity of you all!
here is an Introduction from "Pete" from Yonkers, NY who just registered yesterday:
"Hello all warriors,
I am fairly new to WF, and for the past six months have been reading DL and moving away from sport specific exercise to the light of WF. For more than half my life I have been pounding my legs away on the track and had finally hit a brick wall of knee and lower leg pain. Only WF practice has pulled me toward a sound body and mind. But I have only taken my first step on the path.
I bow to you all and thank coach et al for the effort it takes to sustain the WF SanghaLounge.
how beautiful of a Warrior does Pete sound? come in and meet him! drop him a line and in-courage him in his WF Practice!
and now that i am burying Hidden WF Teachings deep within the private side caves of the SanghaLounge, the real stalwart WF Warriors are going to have a Divine Blast as they hunt down my Teachings.
after his victorious hunt after the Teaching, Brad from Sherman Oaks, CA posted this in the respective Lounge:
"Noble Coach Ilg,
Profound as all-ways. Your lesson also brings to mind that one should practice being un-happy as well. Get comfortable with dis-comfort. What wild-haired mountain Yogi floated that idea into the ether again?
humble student bg"
coast to coast warriors of WF appearing daily in the Grand Opening Week of the WF SanghaLounge!
Don't Miss IT!
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