"Mr. East/West" himself; coach in a "Rocky" t-shirt juxtaposed with Blessed Mala Beads leans against a hogan in New Mexico. A native child of the American Southwest and educated in Eastern Contemplative Studies, coach still dances the East-Meets-West philosophy matched by a peerless athletic resume like no other. photo by Ananda, yesterday.
A “Practice” inSight by Coach Ilg
An excerpt from my next upcoming book…
do not republish
"If we lose the spirit of repetition, our Practice becomes difficult."
- D.T. Suzuki
Every workout is an interesting one to a WF trained athlete.
Since our workout is everywhere in this Path,
Our life becomes a very interesting, colorful, crazy, and precious Bardo.
Workouts transform boring into interesting when we balance meditation with activation.
Meditation earns us patience, acceptance, and most importantly; perseverance.
Activation carves for us a Wholistically Fit Body capable of meditation in all physiologic zendos.
She has been conquered by us through decades of blisters upon our skin.
We have worn her once stiff and imposing suit into a pair of faded jeans easily washed.
We now smile compassionately at Monotony for we are kin to her higher aspect; Repetition.
The Spirit of Repetition, we now know intimately.
The Sacred Spirit of Repetition is a most potent DharmaArrow in our warrior quiver.
Like our Grandfather Sun and Grandmother Moon, arcing endlessly, we too now know the graceful Spirit of Repetition.
Like the Mountain and Desert Winds upon cold sacred peaks and melting pine mesas, we too now know the graceful Spirit of Repetition.
No longer does Monotony burden our Journey.
We have come to recognize her once formidable hulk as but a seductive...
READ THE ENTIRE TEACHING IN THE WF SANGHALOUNGE...it can be found in the "Practice" cave...