on the Sacred Peak (5)
mountain biking with Sensei (7)
he Sees lines, but where?! (5)
yesterday i got schooled again by my Sensei of the Singletrack, "Tattoo Bob."
his curriculum for me and another bro from Prescott this morning:
a 3-hour, billionjillion vertical feet of climbing and
extreme descending over terrain more suitable for rock climbers, not cyclists.

after an hour of Zone 3 climbing up "Sunset Trail" - a famous slice of technical singletrack that pierces
a God-Gifted Temple of wildflowers and alpine hanging meadows.
the only sermons up here are those given freely by the birds who ask for no "offerings" of money or affiliation of your soul.
... it was then that my Teacher granted me a private exposure to one of his "Jedi Moments."
a moment so suspended in Pranic Flow and
non-comprehensible intellect, that if i did not Know better, the whole sequence of events could not
possibly have happened.
at least not on this Plane.
...In mountain biking, it's the obstacles that make it so much fun.
in life as well, though we seldom are skill-full enough to realize it, it is in-Deed the Obstacles (karma) that make our short lives here such a wild and woolly trip until our final exhale...
...in the outdoor sports, the Teachings come fast, hard, and painful.
it was from this necessity of focus within the extreme outdoor sports that i created the science of Wholistic Fitness and her subDiscipline of High Peformance Yoga.
it is this instrumental requirement for sustained concentration for hours and hours through high intensity effort that imparts the unmatched Transmission of our little known, yet pretty potent Path beneath the Sacred Peak.
May your own Practice be gifted with insight and a ton of sacred fun...
love and light,
your mountain yogi
1) WF Temple Manager Ananda, practicing the tough Teachings of WF. coach.
2) coach at practice within the Temple Training Grounds. HP yogi ben.
DO NOT MISS COACH's combination of yoga, zen, and extreme mountain biking in today's essay!