"God doesn't give you answers, he gives you options."
WF Teacher Roche option-seeking in the Ai Imawa Posture, Mother Earth/Father Sky
With Coach Ilg's Blessings,
WF Teacher Roche will present:
“Exploring the Life Force”
September 17: 9:30a.m. - 3:30p.m.
Workshop fee is $75 if registered by September 8 -- $85 after the 8th.
Indianapolis, Indiana
CITYOGA Downtown
Chris Roche presents “Exploring the Life Force” at CITYOGA. This workshop will explore UniVersal Energy, known as Chi (Asian Arts) or Prana (Yogic Sciences):
Learn to recognize, feel, and understand more deeply the concept of Life Force
Dis-cover how to cultivate, harvest, and direct this potent Energy via physical activity, pranayama (breathing exercises), meditation, and nutrition
Learn to apply the awareness of Life Force in your Yoga Practice and daily life
Never Before Taught in Indy – The Taoist Practice of Ai Imawa!