Noble WF Online Student Alan Ludgate of New York, is one of the many Father Warriors in our Tribe that KNOWS the vital importance of introducing his children to the regenerative POWER of the SUNRIDER Herbs! Below, Student Wendy has run into a "Kali Yuga Snafu" (spiritual dark age f^%k up). Her pre-school will not "allow" her child to bring her health giving SUNRIDER herbs to school with her! Can YOU possibly help this young mother attempting to simply feed her child the healthiest food possible in this Obesity Stricken society?! Man, when WILL the Outer World WAKE UP?!
Namaste Noble Herbal Warriors!
you know, it is a sad, sad, very sad spiritual dark age
when a young mother is not "allowed" to send her child to school with
accurate, healthy, and immune-building nutrition.
instead of not allowing her child to drink her "herbies," the school superintendent
should be EMBRACING the presence of SUNRIDER herbs for ALL the children!
send me an email if you can help out Wendy and her child.
until then,
know that it is a great Blessing of our incarnation
to be able to order and eat these foods so conveniently
and even get PAID for doing so!
i bow to you from beneath the Sacred Peak,
coach ilg, ryt/uscf/cpt
Lead Director/SUNRIDER Herbs
Dear Coach Ilg and Ananda,
I Trust this note will find you both well.
Ran into a challenge today. As I beamed with happiness last week telling you how my 3-year old daughter Jesse drinks a water bottle full of her "herbies" each day at school, I must have spoken too loudly.
Today I received a note from school telling me that "only water is allowed in the water bottle." Feeling crushed. She's been so healthy.
Wondering if somewhere 'out-there' amongst the Great Ilg Downline there may be :
1) an M.D. in the state of IN willing to write a note stating that she may/must have her herbs in her water bottle,
2) someone who may know whom I should write to in order to begin to effect change for all children in this regard. (essentially, the state IN if you choose to work/place your child in pre-school/daycare you forfeit your right to choose how/when/what to feed your child.)
Any ideas?
With Much Gratitude,
Student Wendy