Below is actual counsel from a local yogini who came to her first HP Yoga Class. She had been doing "Bikram Yoga" for some time, however, this was her first immersion into well, you know; the HP Yoga intensity of focus. Beginners will always Teach us by allowing us to revisit our own first encounter with Yoga so i have edited this actual exchange - the first of several i did with her for free - so that we can reaffirm our own Practice intent.
Namaste Coach!
I must say, I was quite discouraged after my first class. I shook uncontrollably and was definitely the weakest one in the room.
Most Noble Yogini,
the very first thing i want you to know about your Journey into yoga is that,
'your yoga is YOUR yoga!'
the "shaking" comes from the amount of Prana or Life Force, hiting your untrained subtle anatomical vessels, known as 'nadis.' with continued Practice, the shaking will stop as your nadic fitness develops. hang in there!
What did i tell you before class? "Do not compare! Do not compete!"
Just pay strict attention to listening to the language of YOUR body, of YOUR breath!
You must come to your yoga mat with mind devoid of your past and future and enter the present...allow the 6,000 year-old Science of Yoga begin to work slowly and deeply; do NOT let your EGO thwart the slow science of Transformation; Trust in me to Guide you slowly, effectively, and safely. Most of all, Trust in the Path...and just BREATHE!
I can see how your class is so wonderful for the athletically inclined.
i have taught 83 year-olds this style.
i myself was in a wheelchair, paralyzed.
do not assume this style is just for the "athletically inclined"!
the name; High Performance Yoga
means; Divine Action Union!
I wish I were more fit like that.
you took ONE class!
quit the self pity right now, okay?
you are an infant in this Inner Work.
me too.
we help each other along the Way, okay?
just show up for class without expectation and allow this Proven Path to Elevate you!
I felt embarrassed - and I know we're not supposed to be watching each other, and it's our own thing, but I felt so self conscious.
it will pass.
pay attention only to what matters most; the WITHIN!
What I really liked was the savasana. I hadn't been through such a powerful guided relaxation. Was that lavender you sprinkled in my face?
well, i did not sprinkle it in your face...! ;-) yes, it was Lavender. i just wafted it above your nose.
You are a strong presence and a powerful inspiration. I don't know if you'll see me again - and not for me not wanting to try. I think I'm too old and infirm.
oh Jesus! oh Buddha...oh Lord Patanjali!
get out the Violins for Yogini G!...
stop that egoic bullshit and GET TO CLASS!
NOTHING is more PRICELESS for your long term health of Self.
you will be VERY surprised at how fast you get stronger...i have been Teaching a looong time and trust me, you have all the potential in the WORLD!
do NOT GIVE UP; be a WARRIOR WITHIN and your whole family and life will respond in deep and powerful Ways!
READ THE ENTIRE EXCHANGE AT TODAY's DL SUBSCRIPTION FORMAT as Coach reveals more fierce loving with this frightened beginner along the Path and admits to a very interesting and touching perspective from this exchange...
MORE GREAT ASANA PHOTOS of coach by world class photographer, Marc Romanelli near White Rock, New Mexico
transition sequence involving Eka Pada Bujasana
and Garudasana