Namaste Noble iDL Readers!

did you miss me?
oh man, once again, thanks to the multidimensional fitness afforded to me by my own Practice of WF,
i was able to drop into and out from not only the Grand Canyon in a Sacred Way,

yet also, i was able to use this backpacking trip as a wonderful ReConnection with my little brother Craig, who was self-admittedly; "Waaaaaay out of shape and scared stiff," of backpacking into the very bowels of the Grand Canyon which he had NEVER EVEN SEEN before!

coming up in DL i will tap you into some of the WF Techniques and Teachings and outdoor equipment that i used to safely and strongly provide an AMAZINGLY RICH experience for myself and my brother.

it has been probably 30 years since i shared a backpack trip with my little brother. as a young, first time father, my little brother found a new ignition switch during this trip to respark his own fitness of body, mind, and spirit.
after i catch up a bit with my WF Online Students and my SUNRIDER Herbal Warriors, i will be right back with you, providing more fun pictures and LOTS of valuable outdoor wilderness and internal spiritual Teachings and Sharings...
it feels go(o)d to back at the Humble Helm of the world's most amazing and unique Path of Personal Fitness; WHOLISTIC FITNESS!
with blistered feet and soaring chakras,
i bow to you,
coach ilg
#1; coach pumps his fist after a new PR in "Wilderness Jacks." what, exactly, is "Wilderness Jacks"? coming up in DL!
#2; my 'little' (6'4") brother Craig "Two Man" Ilg at our campsite, not looking too totally stoked about my 'Zen Rice and Tuna" meal i made for him after his WARRIOR HIKE up the AMAZINGLY Clear Creek Trail
#3; Bright Angel Creek, a refuge of icy clear water which feeds into the Colorado River right beside our campsite.
#3; the awesome flow of the Colorado River at the bottom of the Grand Canyon as we begin the 9.3 mile, 4,000'+ climb back to the South Rim on Day 3.