And What, you think i am just LYING to you about the Pranic Amplification that hits your cells if you come to the Sacred Peak and TRAIN?!
What, you think i moved here for the scenery? Well okay, maybe a LITTLE for that reason, however, my Teachers instructed me to move here for a very specific reason; the quality of the Pran here is pure and specific enough to virtually BEAM a specific form of Prana into the vyanic field of our body's cellular structure. Hell, you don't have to believe me and all my antics...
why not listen to one of the Wise Warrioress's that made pilgrimage to the Sacred Peak and is now REAPING the multi-layered benefits that runoff like spring water from a WF Private Intensive. i give you WF Student Amy of Oregon (see photo above taken during her and Todd's recent Intensive):
Most Noble Coach and Ananda,
I was thinking of you both while I was lying in bed on Monday night and how I would construct an e-mail to give you updates on my practice and progress since our intensive. I woke up Tuesday morning with vivid memories of us levitating in my dreams. What fun that was! I could FEEL the energy creating the movement! I haven’t been able to duplicate it in the waking state yet. I’ll keep trying!
My energy level has been soaring since Todd and I left the Two Tree Manor in August. I have been practicing seated meditation on most days of the week as well as active meditation through HP yoga and running. I am absolutely astounded at the energy levels I have been able to sustain. I ran 20 miles last weekend in 2:37 (a 7:45 pace). I felt kick ass (sorry, had to use the language for descriptive purposes). I still had enough energy to complete two top rope climbs with my brother that afternoon. To my surprise, I wasn’t even hungry that whole day! Talk about prana flowing! My appetite for food has been suppressed since then.
I honestly could not understand how coach can perform at such super human levels with such a small amount of food! I had been pondering that since I left Flagstaff. Now I know! Wow! Wow! Wow! That is all I can say. I feel better than I have in years (not that I was feeling bad before). I have cleaned up my diet since I am no longer craving carbohydrates. I feel awesome. Meditation is so powerful!
I am seeing the world through different eyes. I feel like my sense of reality is changing. I can only hope that I am shifting out of the realm of daily awareness and entering something much more grand, even if only for glimpses. I can’t wait to see what is next.
I will continue to train for the San Francisco Marathon on October 22nd. I will let you know how that goes.
You are both always in our thoughts and in our hearts.
“Vyanic Princess†Amy