I swear our WF Tribe has the absolute coolest, toughest, best looking, stoic, versatile, leanest, and meanest babes on the planet! our very own Temple Manager Joy "Ananda" Kilpatrick is a world-class example of our humble yet powerful Tribeswomen.
Tonight, for the first time since leaving LA, Joy will be taking the Stage in the premier of:

you can bet your best bottom bracket that i will be right there, front row, watching my Beloved strut her well-trained, 20+ years of professional acting stuff on stage. i have been absolutely enchanted by her pro level transformation of spirit as she steadily prepp'ed herself for this demanding, emotional role of "Mutti" a Jewish mother during the Holocaust who must face the horrific realization of the Nazi's coming to take her children away from her into the hell realm of the concentration camps. here is a photo of Joy during a scene from a local newspaper reporter who, understandably, was absolutely enthralled by Joy's commanding presence on stage; check out the CHI in Joy's face!:

it has been deeply moving for me to watch this professional actress immerse herself into Mutti. all, and i do mean ALL, of my former "Significant Others," have always lost track of their own Sense of Self when caught in the steve ilg/WF Temple vortex which, unless you actually work each day at this Humble, Powerful Helm, you have zero idea of just how intense our Vortex is on individual spirit (Atman). Joy is not only keeping her creative self and independently based Bliss intact by taking the stage again, she is also using for the first time in her acting career all the CHI accumulated by her own WF, HP Yoga, and SUNRIDER Herb Practice over the past 3 years:

that this amazing woman, the daughter of a Marine hero who literally grew up in a martial art dojo and went on to become a leading lady of stage, dance, and film has chosen to devote her unlimited capacities and chi to further my humble Path of WF touches me in the deepest fibers of my soul.

shown here with Patrick Stewart on the set of "SAFE HOUSE," our Beloved Temple Manager is set to take the Stage by storm tonight and if i were you?

i'd book a ticket and get your butt to Flag before the play ends on October 14th.
ticket info:
or call:
(do NOT email joy or myself regarding this event!)
more on my Grand Canyon trip coming up next on DL!
photo above: yesterday, Joy and i visited a local vintage clothes shop and sure enough, Brahman manifested this 40's period dress which is PERFECT for the role of Mutti. Joy was sooo stoked. To me, her finding this dress right before Opening Night must have felt like me getting hooked up with a full on carbon fiber new racing bicycle before a race! the Art of Coupleship truly lies in drawing upon our own Bliss Paths and relating them to our Loved One. This creates an intimate standing-under of our Partner and instead of feeling threatened by our Partner's choices to pursue that which Moves and Nourishes Their Soul, it STRENGTHENS and ELEVATES the relationship.
hey Ananda...
Break A Leg, baby!
om so ti,
your loving coach, Teacher, friend, colleague, training bro, fan, pea-mate, and Partner...