Namaste Noble Warriors!
i am off to go backpack the Grand Canyon with my little (6'4") brother, Craig! i will be back steering the wheel of the Humble Helm by Wednesday. i will do my best to take some killer photos of our immersion into one of the most powerful places on Turtle Island, so enjoy the Archives and keep your Practice STRONG!

our Movie Star Turned Mountain Gal, Joy "Ananda" Kilpatrick is returning to the stage...nope, not Hollywood this time, right here at our great little playhouse called, Theatrikos!

so tell you what, why don't you plan on coming over to Flag and see the GORGEOUS Autumn Aspens turn color and while you are here, catch our own Ananda on the Stage!
here is some information however you can also visit: www.Theatrikos.com
September 23 through October 14, 2006
“And Then They Came For Me:
Remembering the World of Anne Frank”
By James Still
Performances to be held on:
September 23, 28, 29, 30, October 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14 at 8 p.m.
September 24, 30, October 7 at 2 p.m.
Call 928-774-1662 for ticket reservations
"And Then They Came For Me…” is a unique theatrical experience: a multimedia play that weaves videotaped interviews with Holocaust survivors Ed Silverberg and Eva Schloss with live actors recreating scenes from their lives during World War II. Part oral history, part dramatic action, part direct address, part remembrance...the ensemble driven “And Then They Came For Me…” breaks new ground and has been acclaimed by audiences and critics in productions across the United States.
Joy gives voice to the enduring character of Mutti, Eva Scholoss real life mother.
Joy's Brief Bio:
* Joy Kilpatrick (Mutti)
Joy is honored to be making her Theatrikos debut with this passionate group of actors and artists. Humbled to give voice to such a brave and enduring character, joy would like to thank Randi Klein, the director, for this opportunity.
Joy received her BFA from the University of Miami before continuing her Acting studies with the Burt Reyonld's Institute for Theatre Training, a one year internship which gave her the opportunity to work with such Stars as Burt Reyonlds, Charles Nelson Reilly and Dom DeLuise. Joy then took oversea study at the National Theatre in London on Scholarship. Upon returning to the states, she has had the honor to work as a professional actress in stage, television and film. Her most recent film credit is playing Patrick Stewart's daughter in SAFEHOUSE. She has also written and instructed a Yoga Video for Peter Pan Productions, titled: Quick Fix Power Yoga, which now Airs on Exercise TV®. Joy recently relocated to Flagstaff from LA with her beloved partner and their two amazing cat beings to experience a Higher quality of Living. Joy now devotes her time to teaching Wholistic Fitness® and Yoga. "May all beings be free from suffering."
• Member of Actors Equity Association
1) Coach at the Grand Canyon
2) Joy at 23 when she won the Carbonnell Aware for "Best Supporting Actress in a Musical"