Friday, October 23, 2009

Yogi Squat (and story) Of The Week

my yogi squat (aka; 'the ilg wheelchair') at the 13,150' summit of this years Imogene Pass Race...i took this m(om)ent to do a quick Pranayam and relieve my lumbar compression from the preceding 2:36 hours of uphill running before taking flight down the 7 miles and 4,000' descent. photo by

send in your pic and story for Yogi Squat! there is movement being made by some WF Devotees to get Yogi Squat into Wikipedia due to my embrace of its simple and powerful healing capacity since breaking my spine.

the below story comes in from WF Warrior Roberto Crespo of Pasadena:

Coach, just read this in the LA Times and I think the tribe may get a kick out of it:

'So how did Lawrence Peter Berra get the nickname Yogi?

Berra told TBS that Bobby Hoffman, an American Legion teammate in the early 1940's gave him the moniker.

"We didn't have benches to sit on, so we sat on the ground," Berra said...