"Technique is less about restraint,
then it is freedom."
- Coach Ilg
then it is freedom."
- Coach Ilg

The WAC Championship Northern Arizona Swim and Dive Team setting a pool record in the first event of the day and went on to win 12 of 16 events en route to a 176-120 win last season over San Diego.
Flagstaff, AZ -
NAU Swim and Dive Coach Andy Johns is a wise leader. He realizes the inescapable impact of world-class coaching upon his girls - both in and out of the water. "When I first took my girls to Steve's HP Yoga® class last year at NAYC I knew that I had to ask him to be our Yoga Coach for next season. I realized that the wisdom that comes out of his mouth while teaching an incredible physical class would be invaluable for my Team. I am very excited to have Steve in our corner for this season."
So stoked is Head Coach Johns that he called a pre-season pow wow with Coach Ilg and Burt Gershater - acclaimed counselor to many championship teams. The three of them met, in typical Flag style, at Beaver Street Brewery...
The combined chi force of the trio was soon setting off astral fireworks throughout the outdoor patio area.
"I gotta go get some paper and a pen...i gotta write some ideas down," said Ilg as he bounded off from the table.
On the scrap piece of paper, Ilg scribbled words that may just be the Seeds of another Championship Title for the great Swim Team...ilg's Word Cloud which manifested on the scrap paper from their pow wow reads like a true Champion's hit list;
- Focus penetration vs. dilution
• Radiate/shine
• Swim through the wall
• Make sweat your Offering to the water element - Asana transitions = turns in the pool; BE CONSCIOUSLY POETIC
• Personalized Micro Ritual to thwart pre-meet jitters - Befriend resistance in the pool; it's what propels you
- No matter what; just let it come
All of this coming from an athlete who - regardless of his athletic resume - can barely swim to save his life?
Ilg, long named, "America's Outdoor Athlete," by media has over 200 podiums in 23 different sports. Yet, not one of those podiums were stationed anywhere NEAR a water element...unless of course, it was frozen.
"Yeah, trust me, i realize the irony," chuckled ilg, "Because i have yet to learn how to swim better than a brick, is precisely why i am so honored and psyched to work with these girls; Swimmers and Divers epitomize my own highest Yoga."
Both Head Coach Johns and Counselor Gershater will be sweating alongside the Team during ilg's yoga classes which begin today at 2:15 pm at NAYC. "It's pivotal that the Girls see their coaches sweating with them. Shared sweat is makes a Team," ilg said.
"My duty for these girls is not about Technique. It's about freedom. My duty is less about improving their swim mechanics and more about encouraging them to remain an endless Student of the Water Element," offered ilg as he stuffed the little piece of paper into his jeans.
DL Subscribers will be kept on pace with the NAU Women's Swim and Dive Team throughout the winter. Their first meet is at the end of the month.