i invite each of you to a rich experience that will forever
change the way you workout...
My newest Wholistic Fitness DVD

which comes with a world-exclusive "ITT Workout Program"
change the way you workout...
My newest Wholistic Fitness DVD

which comes with a world-exclusive "ITT Workout Program"
Train your body to train your mind ...
This hot-off-the-presses DVD showcases my pioneering and proven
Wholistic Fitness®
Strength Training Techniques
200+ Podiums in 23 DIFFERENT Sports
Can't Be Wrong: Now YOU Can Learn The Techniques
That Transforms Commonplace "Weight Lifting" into a Penetrating Spiritual Practice that Demolishes Ego as Skillfully as it Creates Beautiful, Fat-burning, Functional Muscle
This hot-off-the-presses DVD showcases my pioneering and proven
Wholistic Fitness®
Strength Training Techniques
200+ Podiums in 23 DIFFERENT Sports
Can't Be Wrong: Now YOU Can Learn The Techniques
That Transforms Commonplace "Weight Lifting" into a Penetrating Spiritual Practice that Demolishes Ego as Skillfully as it Creates Beautiful, Fat-burning, Functional Muscle
Most Noble Fitness Warrior,
Many of you have traveled long and far with me. For those seasoned warriors, this announcement will be like a sweep of wild wind through your favorite tree.
And even you rookies along the Wholistic Fitness® Path, if you've read my book Total Body Transformation, you're already familiar with the "five fitness disciplines" I melded together in the early 1980s to create Wholistic Fitness®.
If you've been practicing these disciplines on your own, then you probably also know first-hand why I view strength training as the most important discipline of all.
If you've ever struggled to learn or master any of the unique Wholistic Fitness strength training techniques (or ever scratched your head, wondering if you were doing them "correctly"), then I have some great news for you!
I recently took Ananda and my daughter Dewa (my "Can Do Clan") up to The Peaks Resort in Telluride, Colorado for a down-and-dirty guerrilla filmmaking video shoot. I took my camera up into the mountains and deep within this amazingly resplendent mountain adventure resort ... down a hallway to a door labeled "Strength Room."
(I know what you're thinking. Another weight lifting DVD. So what, right? Well don't be fooled. A room full of weights is only a room full of weights if you're not trained to see it through the eyes of a Wholistic Fitness warrior! Keep reading to see what I mean.)
Where most athletes see machines and dumbbells, my students and I see elemental iron. A mere "Weight Room" becomes an "Iron Temple," and all sorts of magical transformations happen inside. You see, an Iron Temple is a place just as sacred as a yoga studio or a Zendo! It's all a matter of perspective.
I've just finished editing all the footage we shot at The Peaks into a DVD called Iron Temple Teachings: The transformational strength training techniques of Wholistic Fitness. I think it's one of my best DVDs yet, and I know you'll agree once you see it!
Pop it into your DVD player and you'll witness my revolutionary transpersonal approach to strength training in action. You'll see me and Ananda crank out reps the Wholistic Fitness way, just as if you were standing there beside us. It's a behind-the-door glimpse into a powerful practice that improves your body's structure and function while simultaneously allowing you to practice mindfulness and cultivate focus. Seriously, the chi off this thing is as intense as a set of 1-minute Jump Squats!
Each time you watch the DVD, more and more Wholistic Fitness strength training secrets will reveal themselves to you:
- The counter-intuitive benefits of prioritizing elegance over resistance.
- The natural lifting rhythm that develops as you move through the three phases (yin, yang, and neutral) of each repetition.
- The benefits of merging your movement with your breath.
- How to transform sterile and predictable gym workouts into a colorful explosion of inner and outer strength
- What a weight room has in common with a swimming pool or a ski slope
- How a Wholistic Fitness yogi transforms strength training from a mere physical practice to a "protection of the mind" that allows the spiritual journey and personal growth to begin.
- To be clear, this DVD is not about the biomechanics of strength training movements. It's about my proprietary stimulative and recovery phase techniques that can be used across all strength training movements!
In a brief introduction to my strength training philosophy, you'll discover:
- How the techniques are designed to zap in your mental focus and rattle your ahamkara (egoic shell).
- What's already happened the moment a Wholistic Fitness warrior's fingers wrap around a barbell.
- How these powerful techniques "re-tether" your mind to the moment, again and again.
- Why the Iron Temple is the best place on earth to train your focus, and how that indoor training easily transfers to outdoor sports.
- The importance of a "strength training sangha" (like-minded community).
Then, you'll witness me and Ananda demonstrate the techniques themselves:
Stimulative Phase Techniques (Done DURING a set)
- Staccato Technique® to enhance blood flow in muscle tissue/prevent hypoxic mechanisms and teach elegance through difficulty.
- Three-Stage Technique® to improve mental focus, lifting form, and postural awareness.
- Shivaya Technique® to pre-exhaust/fatigue a specific muscle at its strongest contractile range (and destroy the ego in the process).
- Envelope Technique® to increase muscular endurance/deep fiber recruitment and to teach perseverance and mental stamina.
- Swan Medicine Technique® to increase mental concentration while promoting muscular endurance and isometric strength.
Recovery Phase Techniques (Done BETWEEN sets)
- EntrĂ© Nous® to maintain a connection with the weights on a physical level to access the spiritual level, keep the mind with the muscle, and provide an anchor for the mind.
- Kin-Hin® to bring mindful awareness as you walk between sets.
- Ku Top Form® and Ku Bottom Form® to continue to contract your musculature even as you rest between sets.
You'll also learn:
- Why a simple stopwatch is an instrumental part of a Wholistic Fitness strength training practice.
- The benefits of sharing your Wholistic Fitness strength training with a partner.
- Exactly when most people get hurt in the weight room (and how to avoid it).
- How every movement and machine in the Iron Temple has a spiritual life (and how it can take months or years to really dive into each machine and movement to cultivate the spiritual essence of each one).
- How Wholistic Fitness techniques transform a room full of sterile machines into a very fluid spiritual workshop.
Then ... watch Ananda complete a short and powerful ITT (Iron Temple Teaching) full-body sampler workout...which is sent to you ABSOLUTELY FREE!!!
You'll see:
- How to use the Wholistic Fitness strength training techniques to deepen your training effect within your own Iron Temple.
- How a yogi needs to use intuition to compensate for strength machines built for football players.
- Ananda focusing as fiercely between sets as she does during them (the secret key to creating your own Iron Temple out of a common weight room).
- The principle of "less is more" in action ... when Ananda spontaneously prioritizes elegance over resistance (you go girl)!
- The multitude of ways I've been "confusing muscle" since 1982.
- How 2-Bench Triceps Dips (and the 3 "escape plans") teach the art of perseverance in one minute (if you've tried this you know it works).
But wait, there's more!
As if that's not enough, you'll also hear Ananda's take on the Iron Temple and how it's helped her as a new mother. Then you'll get to see me do 3-Stage Technique with my daughter Dewa instead of weights!
One DVD, a lifetime of possibilities to explore
The real benefit of learning and mastering the Wholistic Fitness strength training techniques taught in Iron Temple Teachings will come after a few viewings.
You'll quickly discover that the stimulative and recovery phase techniques taught on the DVD can be combined with any strength training movements in creative ways, for an infinite choreography of mindful movement.
Join me in the Iron Temple!
Until now, "in-person" coaching on my strength training techniques has only been available to my private students ... for hundreds of dollars. Ask any of them, and they'll tell you that actually watching me work out was pretty eye opening.
Wholistic Fitness strength training is different. It looks different. It sounds different. It feels different. You gotta experience it to understand it!
Watching a DVD isn't quite the same as being there in the gym with me, but it's close ... and it's a lot less expensive!
Grab your copy of Iron Temple Teachings: The transformational strength training techniques of Wholistic Fitness®
for only $21.95!
for only $21.95!
(If you're new to Wholistic Fitness I encourage you to also order my book Total Body Transformation. With both the book and the DVD, you'll be on your way to experiencing fitness and self-development from a totally new perspective that will, quite likely, change your life if you put it all into action.)
THANK YOU for your support!
Head bowed,
Coach Steve Ilg
Founder, Wholistic Fitness®
Head bowed,
Coach Steve Ilg
Founder, Wholistic Fitness®
P.S. One of my students recently related the following story to me:
I was at the gym yesterday and I overheard a woman at the next weight bench talking to her boyfriend.
'How's your workout going?' the boyfriend asked.
'Not so good,' the woman replied. 'I'm a stress case! I can't stop thinking about work. Maybe I should take up meditation.'
It was all I could do not to walk over there and tell her about Wholistic Fitness. There she was, lifting weights with a scattered mind, not even aware of the fact that she could have turned her strength training into a meditation.
I love it when my students "get it" like this!I was at the gym yesterday and I overheard a woman at the next weight bench talking to her boyfriend.
'How's your workout going?' the boyfriend asked.
'Not so good,' the woman replied. 'I'm a stress case! I can't stop thinking about work. Maybe I should take up meditation.'
It was all I could do not to walk over there and tell her about Wholistic Fitness. There she was, lifting weights with a scattered mind, not even aware of the fact that she could have turned her strength training into a meditation.
steve ilg's Wholistic Fitness® since 1982